Horse Speak®, the communication system of equines, continues to evolve, and Sharon Wilsie, as an educator, has been transforming the way she teaches every time she talks to a new horse.
Each horse has their own needs, wants, and desires just like us, and as you learn to SEE what they are saying a whole new world opens up.
The Buttons Beyond the Theory Four-Part Webinar Series features a new method of teaching that directs your eye to what she is looking at specifically as she decodes the nonverbal language of horses.
If you have questions about learning Horse Speak online, send an email to [email protected]
Watching Sharon ask four horses to, “Cheek, Neck, Shoulder, Girth, Hip Buttons - Go Please / Sit Button - Don't Go / Yield Button - Please Don't Move that Horse,” is like watching a conductor navigate a symphony performance.
You might say it looks like magic but it’s Precise Equine Body Language Skills.
The best thing is - YOU can also learn how to orchestrate a herd to move together, know when to ask and when to allow, and keep everyone safe.
She allows the horses to have agency in their own problem solving and intervenes before there's an increase stress.
This clip is from the first meeting Sharon has had with these 4 horses being together in the arena, during Day 1 of our clinic at Goting Cliff, Wagenhoff, Germany