For many of us, Watching our dog pee is not at the top of our priority list. But monitoring your dog’s urine can detect infections early before they are severe.
At least 3 times a week, count the number of times your dog goes to pee during the day. Most dogs do not pee more than 4 or 5 times during the day.
Once a week, use a white piece of toilet paper to see if the pee is a normal color.
If you see any of the following, contact your veterinarian :
- peeing small frequent amounts
- pee that is an abnormal color or odor
- straining to pee
**** these are images of a bladder stone. This patient had an episode of pink/ bloody urine and her owner brought her in to investigate. She had no other signs of problems at home.
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What’s hiding under the Tartar?
If you see teeth in your dog’s mouth that are not clean and white, there may be something painful hidden underneath. This dog chewed on something that broke their tooth, exposing the root canal and causing an infection in the tooth root and surrounding bone. It also had a cavity hidden beneath the gumline on one of the front teeth.