Since 1994 Ponderosa Dairies has been a family owned dairy operation! Located in beautiful Amargosa Valley Nevada where the weather is commonly near 60 degrees in the winter months. The summer months do bring quite hot temperatures, but very little humidity. Currently Ponderosa Dairies is milking over 10,000 cows twice a day in three state-of-the art barns. The barns are designed for safety and pr
otection of the animals and to ensure the efficient production of high quality milk. Animal welfare is a top priority for Ponderosa Dairies. Ponderosa Dairies has both conventional and organic dairy farming operations with over 700 cows being in the organic program! All of the milk produced on our dairies is shipped to California to the Rockview Farms creamery and distributed across Southern California. We are a unique operation in the facet that we have our own calf ranch on site. The new baby calves are bottle fed for several months then fed green feed for another month or two. After this the calves are transported to our heifer ranch in California where they graze on free-range grass until they are bred and and ready to have their first calf. They are then transported to back to Ponderosa Dairy to give birth and enter the milking herd. Along with the milking, Ponderosa Dairies is farming over 3000 acres in the Amargosa Valley with a variety of different feeds. The entire operation is very impressive with two feed areas, organic and conventional, many covered feed barns, hay and silage storage and an onsite compost area. We do the majority of our own transportation of cows and feed with over 15 semi trucks and 50 plus trailers. The large fleet of equipment, trucks and cars is all maintained and repaired in our 14,400 square foot shop by our own great mechanic staff. A lot of work goes into creating a superb dairy product for the great families of our country! We are proud of all of our employees, vendors and customers!