Welcome -
Here are the rules for our Virtual Yard Sale! September 29 thru October 5, 2023
IF PAYING VIA PAYPAL - PLEASE SEND AS FRIENDS AND FAMILY - OTHERWISE WE GET CHARGED A PERCENTAGE OF THE AMOUNT!! If you can't do Friends and Family - please add just a bit - (we get charged up to 4% of the amount) - THANK YOU!!
New Items will be added daily so check back often!!
We will post items available and prices - if you like an item and wish to purchase the item - simply comment SOLD and send payment via Venmo or Paypal (mark as friends and family please - otherwise we get charged a service charge) by the end of the sale on 10/5/23. Sale ends at 9PM EST. If you would rather pay at the time of pick up - please add PAY AT PICK UP after your SOLD comment!
All items are for pick up only at our Adoption Center on October 7 or October 14 - both are Saturday's, between noon and 4PM. (1894 Ohio Pike, Building A, Amelia, OH 45102).
We are not able to ship or deliver items - but welcome you to stop by on Saturday, October 7th or 14th for pick up! (let us know which date works best for you please)
We will have MANY dog items - but other items as well! If you have an item you would like to donate to us for the sale, simply send us a PM (or for you younger people DM) on this page and let us know - we can post the item for sale!
All proceeds go directly to helping us pay for housing, vetting and feeding our pups!!