OFFICE HOURS TODAY NOW - 1:00 pm in our location at 66 Elm Street, Salisbury in the Stand By Me complex.
I’ll be at our Salisbury location from 10:30 - 1:00 pm today putting together some donations we are doing for up coming local charity events and working on the new schedule.
It’s the PERFECT time to stop by to do a Talk’n’Shop. If you don’t have a change to browse before or after class, this is a Hrwat opportunity to come discuss how to handle your pups teething, things you can use for crate allcimation, enrichment for the brain for when the weather is too rainy or dangerously hot to provide pups who are very good as finding their own way to pass the time when their needs aren’t being met. In fact, if you are waiting to start classes with us- you might not even know what those are. And the are often the answers to managing normal puppy behaviors that of not re-direction can be danetois or fatal.
We can chat about the items you want to stay away from, deceptive advertising on unsafe protects geared for the average pet owner who doesn’t have a training team beginning them who want you to have the healthy, safest options on your shopping list (vs what your friends might have recommended).
Stop by. If the door downstairs in the Stand by Me Lobby is locked when you arrive, please DO NOT RING THE DOORBELL (that’s for SBM). Instead simply text {do not call} (978) 255-0265 and someone will unlock the door.
Young Puppies under 6 months old may accompany their owners, even if you have not started your puppy k class yet it it’s not necessary to bring your puppy to come by. And, this is NOT one of our puppy playtimes.
If your pup or dog is an older, please stop by with your human family and we can chat and identify items we have specifically acquired to help you.
This is intended to keep our clients from spending money on items that might be marketed week, but are not going to help your problems And often make them worse, along with safety an
I spy with my little eye, a beautiful pie from Andyman Dessert & Baking Co. from two adorable clients who go to daycare at Seacoast Lucky Dog Daycare for their staff! Good job! I just want to know Candi Hayford, did they pay in biscuits or kisses? 🔊🎶
Happy Birthday to our little old lady Eva! With Rottweilers, every year past 8 is a gift. She was not very happy that I left her to teach 3 classes and came home smelling like other dogs and treats and she was at home with her dad and Maddie watching CNN. But, her surf and turf birthday dinner of steak and mackerel allowed her to forgive me.
Jax and Gus are super excited to start Puppy Kindergarten with us. Just like their predecessors (Joppa and Chex) did over a decade ago.
If you have a puppy under 6 months old, you can join these cuties as well as a few others in our Puppy K class starting on Tuesday nights
If you have a class over6 months old who is new to us, your dog would be in our Basic Manners class.
For our past Puppy K or Badic Manners class graduates, the next class for you is Intermediate Manners. That is part 2 of our Puppy K or Basic Manners Class.
Email [email protected] for more info.
Larry vs the dog treat jar. Persistence pays off!
Sweet Paws Rescue
Plato Pet Treats
The Natural Dog
Cynthia Sweet
Spring Classes Coming Back Soon at Ross Corner Animal Wellness Center