Barefoot Farm

Barefoot Farm Small family owned farm offering DIY horse boarding, Lessons in liberty, horsemanship and more. P.E.M.F, massage and acupressure available on our farm or yours.

Rehab, Rescues and retirees are welcome as are ponies and mini’s.


Connection is key in SUMCHI.

Seeing, feeling and sensing your horse’s feedback to the strokes helps you effectively meet your horses needs and develop a herd bond through mutual grooming practices.

This lovely mare is one of my favorite clients. She’s a mature mare with some issues one is thin soles. After reading up...

This lovely mare is one of my favorite clients.
She’s a mature mare with some issues one is thin soles.
After reading up on some PEMF studies regarding improvements in sole depth I thought following the guidelines around sessions and frequency Pepper could be my first follow along horse.

PEMF for help with increasing sole depth and reduction in inflamation. This mare is on a 10 minutes per hoof weekly sess...

PEMF for help with increasing sole depth and reduction in inflamation. This mare is on a 10 minutes per hoof weekly session plan with a full body session once weekly.


I very much resonate with these words and strive to utilize my years of experience all the while balancing the deep desire to expand my knowledge in an effort to help others along with me on my journey.
I do my very best when “noodling” with someone who owns a very “expressive” horse they have struggles with.
I will forever be headed down the all things equine rabbit hole.
Often I’ve said to people the good thing about having me on your team is that I don’t NEED to be right. I want the best for Horses and owner, riders, and students.
I am now in my late 50’s but am so happy to learn along with and from younger people, especially women.
Well done!
Thank you for shares and tags and all that jazz these old brain cells can only hope my feed finds for me,
So much more than horsemanship to learn these days!

2025 is upon us.I have more openings in my schedule now for equine services. PEMF Masterson informed body work Liberty p...

2025 is upon us.

I have more openings in my schedule now for equine services.

Masterson informed body work
Liberty play for connection and rehab support
Riding lessons
On line ground work
Driving for minis or ponies
Problem solving
Husbandry consultant

Let me help you discover the joy of being “with” your horse again.

Winter time can be just as enriching for you and your horse with or without an indoor.

I can come to you, or you can truck in to the indoor at Cedarwood farm in Ipswich ma.


I SO want to understand why I made the choice.
Nearly every time…



What horse people say . . . .

“I only carry the whip, I’ve never beaten my horse with it.”

But if it changes your horse’s behaviour when you carry it, then it means something to the horse and you don’t have to hit them with it for them to adjust their behaviour when it's around. Much like you do around a police car or speed camera.

This is especially true if your other interactions with your horse involve them continually escaping and avoiding your “pressure” and “aids” (threats).

Photo credit


As the weather cools down, allowing yourself an ample amount of time to cool out your horse after a cold ride is essential to ensure that you don’t jeopardize your horses' health by allowing them to catch a chill.

Our friends at Equus Magazine have some useful tips to share for cooling out your horses this winter. You can read the full article on their website at


Not just a grain of salt – why is it so important to add salt to your horse’s diet?

By now, I am sure many of you are aware that it is important to provide adequate salt to your horse or herd. But why is this specific nutrient so vital to their health? First, I want to cover the physiological role of salt and what it does in the body, and then we will discuss the best ways to add it to the diet!

When I was teaching Anatomy and Physiology to pre-vet students, we talked a lot about ions in the body including sodium, chloride, calcium, and potassium. These ions are present in bodily fluids and need to be available in appropriate amounts to maintain proper neuronal signaling, muscle contractions, transport, and digestion, among other important physiological processes. Additionally, these ions play a critical role in the fluid balance of the body specifically related to thirst, sweat, and urination. Considering salt is 40% sodium and 60% chloride, it provides two of these important ions that allow these functions to take place.

One of the most helpful ways I have found to explain the physiological role of salt is with the saying, “Water follows salt.” Let's simplify the physiological process that accompany this relationship:

💧 Increased salt consumption in the diet increases the thirst response and thus we drink more water and can become more hydrated.

💧 When we sweat, we not only lose water but other electrolytes, with sodium and chloride being the main culprits that contribute to the composition of sweat. This is because sodium is needed to facilitate the loss of water when we sweat and thus needs to be replenished in addition to water during exercise.

💧 Decreased salt intake encourages our bodies to retain the salt we already have. To do this, our kidneys decrease salt in the urine which subsequently decreases the amount of the water in the urine. This is because our body needs to tightly regulate the balance between ions (such as sodium) and the bodily fluids they reside in for many physiological processes to occur The result is a much more concentrated urine which is why you may hear yellow urine (which is more concentrated) is a sign of dehydration while a more clear urine suggests we are more hydrated.

So how is this connected to supplying salt in the diet? Unfortunately, salt will not be found in adequate amounts in most forages or horse feeds. While many commercially manufactured feeds provide adequate vitamins and minerals for horses when fed at the appropriate feeding rate, the exception here is sodium. This decision is intentional as sodium in a feed has been shown to reduce palatability. As a result, we as horse owners must add salt to the diet to ensure our horses meet their requirements.

This is an important feeding habit because when salt is consumed, the water will follow due to an increased thirst response. A hydrated state is critical in maintaining gut motility, which is the movement of feedstuff throughout the GI tract. Gut motility is very important to prevent digestive upset including conditions such as colic. Additionally, salt, water, and other electrolytes, are lost in the sweat of a hot or exercising animal. Providing salt in their diet encourages them to drink and replenish water and electrolytes lost during this process.

So how can we provide adequate salt to the horse? When I am in the field, I most frequently see salt blocks placed in the living areas of the horse. Unfortunately, these blocks were designed for other livestock and horses’ tongues are typically not rough enough to consume adequate amounts of salt from a block on a daily basis. While I still provide these blocks for my horses to allow voluntary intake, I also choose to top dress salt on their daily feed at a rate of 2 tablespoons (~30 grams) per 1,000-lb horse per day. This is often enough to meet sodium requirements of an average horse that is not in intense work.

What about the other forms of salt? I choose to feed my horses a loose iodized salt and you can often get a big bag of livestock salt at your local feed store! I choose iodized salt as iodine is an important nutrient that is not included on common forage analyses and can often be deficient in the diet (for humans as well which is why it was added to salt in the first place). The amount of iodine present in the salt is not enough to cause a toxicity but can help ensure your horse has adequate amounts of the nutrient.

Another common option I get asked about is Himalayan salt. While there may be some great claims on the label, this product is still 98% salt (with a few extra minerals) and often much more expensive. So if your horse is bougie or you want to create a certain ‘vibe’ in their stall, go for it! But it is by no means better or necessary to use Himalayan salts when compared to your average salt product. This is similar to the colored mineral blocks at many feed stores, which are essentially just pretty salt blocks. While they are not harmful, they can be misleading as they will not supply adequate minerals to the horse, such as zinc and copper, and therefore cannot replace certain feeds in the diet.

But while we may have favorites, feeding horses is just as much of an art as it is a science, and the main goal is to ensure the horse is consuming adequate amounts of sodium. As Dr. Rachel Mottet says, “The best kind of salt is the one your horse will eat!” If that means you have to provide Himalayan salt, go for it! But as always, consult with your equine nutritionist or veterinarian if you have any questions about your specific situation.

Happy Holidays!
Dr. DeBoer

Our older horses benefit greatly from tension release sessions. Here I am trying out my fabulous handy dandy new Halo to...

Our older horses benefit greatly from tension release sessions. Here I am trying out my fabulous handy dandy new Halo tool with Pepper. At first she was slightly skeptical of the gentle vibration but very quickly leaned into the red light and warmth of the fingers letting go of a great deal of her doubts. I love this cool tool!
Big deep regular breaths and a general softening all over. This was sometime a week or so ago, tomorrow I will revisit with the hope of a bit of video to help illustrate how this week tool can enhance the work I do.

Today was all about the Hens.

Today was all about the Hens.

YES!!! Picture Kermit the frog waving his hands (?) in the air and running in circles…..that’s me reading this one.Ooh a...

Picture Kermit the frog waving his hands (?) in the air and running in circles…..that’s me reading this one.

Ooh another tribe member to follow.

You get what you train.

And that is with respect to the muscle groups you target, the emotions you practice and the nervous system state you operate from.

If you practice sitting hunched at your desk like a shrimp, you will lay down muscle to support you there.

If you are always operating from an upregulated nervous system, your body will try to adjust its physiology so that this becomes the new homeostasis.

If you spend your life practicing negative thoughts, this will become your default setting.

This means that you will develop into wherever you spend the longest time - irrespective of what you *think* you are working on.


"Tell me 3 things you love about your horse"

I was working with a lovely lady, who cares very deeply about her horse and was diligently helping him to feel better in his body. And yet every session started with all of the ways in which he still wasn't quite right, or was doing things she didn't want him to do.

Frustration was radiating from her body.

She looked at me, a little derailed by my question.

"Do you want me to tell you 3 things I love about your horse?"

She nodded

"I love the black tips on his ears. And the way the markings on his muzzle look like a love heart. And the way his black stockings make him look really classy"

And then she got excited and told me all the things she loved about him... as he stood there yawning, licking and chewing, releasing the tension in his neck.

And as her energy changed towards him, his energy changed towards her -

And in that session he moved like a totally different horse, flowing in a way that we had never seen before.

The exercises were the same, though the output was totally different.


My initial training taught me about targetting the musculoskeletal system and that, if you repeat the exercise enough, with an appropriate amount of progressive loading, you develop the body.

And this isn't wrong at all.

But I subsequently learned that the emotional and nervous systems run the show.

We can do all the right moves, but if the nervous system and emotional association to the work aren't in alignment then you will be perpetually putting a stick in your bicycle spokes.

This provokes topics for discussion -

How do you show up to your horse? They can feel that energy and it has an effect on how safe they feel.

If your horse does not feel safe, the quality of their movement will be compromised. And let me tell you that their own personal safety is their opinion based upon their perceptions - not yours.

Though we do need to give them coping strategies to feel safe in a chaotic human world.

What does your horse perceive of the work? The exercise might be appropriate for their muscles but if the emotional association is poor, the output will be too.

Whilst the body may benefit, if their amygdala-hippocampus relay is perpetually assigning the work with negative emotions, its never going to feel nice to them.


📸 before & after of stripping the tension out of this guy's neck by helping him to find safety in some very simple movement patterns combined with very gentle upper cervical mobilisations ❤️

A very good read.

A very good read.

There’s always a lot of discussion (and disagreements) on my posts where I recommend people not use carrots or high value food items or treats in their positive reinforcement (clicker) training.

Something that people may not factor into their training and their choice of reinforcer, is how amazing horses are at keeping track of things, measuring things, keeping a tally and weighing things up. Matching Law comes to mind when we think about the amount of reinforcement that influences the amount of behaviour they offer or perform.

You can read more about Matching Law in my post here:

What also happens is that they are also keeping track of unpleasant (aversive) experiences as well as reinforcement. Pavlov (Pavlovian Conditioning) is always on our shoulder! It’s certainly been my experience over the years with my own horses and donkeys and when training fearful and traumatised equines, that how they feel about the reinforcement or the experience in general, colours their view of me and everything associated.

I’m going to use the trust account metaphor, where we build the trust account up into the black with all the R+ training and positive emotional experiences. But then we are also making withdrawals and getting into the red if we are also creating aversive experiences and the associated negative emotions.

This could mean combining both R- and R+ training together, what I call “mixing”, could actually be both adding and subtracting from the trust account at the same time. It’s going up and it’s going down and how much it does depends on the individual. This will be affecting the horse’s emotional response to you and the training, depending on the amount of both positive and negative emotional experiences.

I could also see that it might take more positive experiences or R+ training to make up for the R- training and aversive experiences. If there’s too much R- you will be chasing your tail to get “back in the black” in your trust account. I know when I’m undoing fear in traumatised animals, it takes a long time. Behaviour is quick, but emotion takes a lot longer to follow.

Another scenario could be if we are accidentally creating some aversive experiences for our equines during our R+ training. For example, if we address fear with R+ instead of undertaking a program of systematic desensitisation (the good kind) and counter conditioning, we could be accidentally introducing aversive experiences through approach avoidance conflict. Or if some of our training becomes coercive, by using food to get behaviour the horse is not necessarily feeling emotionally or physically comfortable performing, that too can introduce aversive experiences. Or if R- or P+ creeps in without our realising, again, that too can be making withdrawals from our trust account. Or if we are simply not generous enough with the food as reinforcement and the horse starts to get frustrated, experiences extinction and is generally not having a fun time during training.

Another scenario might be when we have an instance where there is an emergency, or something hasn’t been trained or when we just have to do something for the equine’s welfare or safety and we have to do whatever is needed at the time. These experiences can make big withdrawals from their trust account.

These aversive situations may mean that people need to resort to higher value food reinforcers such as carrots, apples and commercially made treats. This is because the equine’s unpleasant experiences which lead to a low or bankrupt trust account, means that higher value is needed to counteract the negative emotional response to the trainer, the training and the training environment.

High value food in training can be used in an attempt to offset aversive experiences and top up the trust account quickly to try to get the trainer out of the red and to try to change the emotional responses they’re seeing in their equine.

But does it succeed? Or does it in turn create more frustration with the high value food, or potentially having to do things that create conflict in the equine because they don’t enjoy it or it has an unpleasant history, or high value isn’t a quick fix from the equine’s point of view?

I like to be generous with super low value, low sugar and starch horse feeds. It creates relaxation and pleasure and in conjunction with offering alternative food, it provides choice. An equine is not going to push themselves beyond what they’re ready or capable of doing and especially if we offer alternative similar value food as a choice.

This is something to think about when you reach for the carrots or need higher value food reinforcers.

What’s happening in your training and what’s happening with the equine’s emotions, that you feel the need to do this?

It’s always good to get more experienced help with your R+ training if you find yourself in this situation. I’m always happy to help people, talk over situations, look at video, etc.

If you find any of my posts helpful, useful, educational and interesting, please support me so that I can create more ! 🧡

PEMF and a bit of red light for the red man. I think I saw some improvement to his hind limb after our session. I was ab...

PEMF and a bit of red light for the red man. I think I saw some improvement to his hind limb after our session. I was able to increase the intensity after a bit of all over the body low intensity. First time he has allowed this and perhaps dare I say even “leaned in” this time. He was able to touch his toe down a bit while resting and barely touching it while getting around. 2 days ago he wasn’t lowering the leg all that much, with a lot more fluid in the lower limb. Lots of releasing while applying the double kappie coils to his haunches at a high enough setting to cause a lot of movement. I am hoping he looks forward to his next session with enthusiasm.


66 S Hampton Road
Amesbury, MA





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