✨FOSTER SPOTLIGHT: Reese's & Snickers✨
We have many guinea pigs at Juniper's just waiting to find their forever homes. Many of those pigs are with wonderful members of our community who are fostering them for us so we can take in more piggies.
Today we'd like to share a female and male pig available for adoption.
From their foster family:
"Snickers is very sweet and talkative but still getting used to being held. Definitely loves his food and free range (safe area). Funny thing about him is he gets super talkative when you walk in the room because he knows he’s going to get loved on or get food and loves to talk if you set him on the bed to hang out and get pets🩷
Reese's is a little skittish, but does accept pets and will scream/talk when you walk in the room because she wants head pets, and she is slowly starting to do better with getting held. She also likes her free range (safe area) time."
If you would like to adopt Reese's or Snickers, fill out an Adoption Application here: https://forms.wix.com/f/7183601734923584236
If you would like to foster for the rescue, you can email [email protected] or fill out a Foster Application here: https://forms.wix.com/f/7099177913676726796