20 years ago we adopted a rescue puppy and named him Shakespeare. When the vet explained he was part Bernese Mountain Dog I looked up the breed and fell in love. While we loved Shakespeare to death, my husband and I agreed that someday we would like to own and breed pure bred Berners. 17 years of marriage, 4 kids and 2 dogs later we are finally ready for that dream to come true. Through the years
we have done lots of research and learned much about the breed. The more we learned the more we fell in love. We were however sad to find out how short and difficult many Berner's lives were due to poor, unregulated and irresponsible breeding. So, we did the homework and have done our best to insure our breeding and dogs are healthy and only promote the best genes, biology and temperament of the Bernese Mountain Dog. We discovered some very healthy blood lines in Europe and choose to begin our breeding with two dogs from different blood lines from Russia. Meet Alyeska from Sochi and Wrangell from Moscow. Our dogs are our 5th and 6th children. They live in our home and go on most outings with us. They are gentle and sweet, loyal and protective and the best of friends. They communicate with their eyes and facial expressions. Alyeska has also figured out how to point with her head and nose! We are living the Berner Dream, that we dreamed for 17+ years. Feel free to poke all around our page and contact us if you have any questions.