Bella's Puppies

Bella's Puppies This is a page setup to introduce you to our dogs and puppies. OUR PARENTS

This doll is a 31lb. F1B mini doodle. She's 3 years old and . (clear).

Bella has had genetic testing, (100% clear) and Penn Hips testing (normal for breed). She has also had temperament testing, and CERF testing. Her IC test was also clear. Bella normally spends her days going to work with her mom Erin who is a Psychologist, and has become an important part of her practice. She has had 2 litters of beautiful, parti colored babies. Four of the puppies live here in And

erson, and the rest keep in touch on our facebook group page, doodles dudes and dolls. Having had 2 litters, she is taking a break and won't have another litter until summer of 2018. HOGAN
This dude is a 20lb. He will be 3 in Feb. He has been 100% cleared (genetic testing) and he tested normal for breed, (Penn Hips test). He has also had temperament testing and additional orthopedic and health testing for insurance purposes. His CERF testing was also clear, and he's CERF certified. Hogan lives with his mom, Linda

Keegan, is a 14 pound red micro mini, who is also genetic and CERF tested clear. Keegan is 2 and will be having a spring litter. Raegan is 8 months old and her Mother is a Moyen poodle, her dad is a parti doodle. She will probably be 20lbs full grown. She is also genetically cleared, but hasn't had her CERF testing yet. She's black and white and will probably have puppies in late 2018.
Shannon, she is a 6 month old mini who is 20 #. Shannon has had genetic testing, (clear) and has a less curly coat than the others. She has also been certified as Proper Coat (IC). She will probably be between 30 and 40 lbs. and won't have a litter until she matures. But she is such a sweetheart, I wanted to include her here. THE PUPPIES
The puppies live with Erin, her 3 children (5,6 and 8) and Erin's fiancee. Besides Bella, Erin has Bentley, an F1 standard doodle. The puppy pen is in the dining room so these babies get spoiled by everyone who lives there. Whenever the family is going to be gone all day or night, Erin takes Bella and the puppies over to Grandma's (Linda) house for some special spoiling. These puppies will be well socialized, with children and other dogs, and raised in the house with access to a large fenced in yard.


Anderson, SC


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