A Friend of mine made the mistake of asking me what I thought about our world being divided. I felt like writing about it after my morning meditation.... I named it - A Face Alone.
A face alone tells the truth. Beyond the lies of tribe and illusions of loyalty to a cause. The mind warps the real makeup of beings, of earth and the spirit of all creatures to fit within their constantly in crumbling walls…
Walls made of hate, of fear, of loneliness - even in the crowded room, we pretend there are with us and those against us…. It all caves. But mind comes up short against the wind, the rain and the storms - these have their way.
The risk, the act of shattering the thick cloud of fear we have exhaled between us - with our cold, rapid and wasted breath, our foggy denial of presence is crystalized.
Only to look and see the single face – and yes, each face one at a time settles the fear. If just to hush the noise of how we can dive into the murky depth of our made-up differences, it is a beginning. So as to say/to think; "we are not so separate and so alien."
To learn as the heart teaches – thinking does nothing to severe the roots of our connectedness. In every cell, in the spiritual and holy mystery, we are all bound together. This is what scares us most.
To see the pain, to know the suffering behind the eyes, we know what binds us together. In the intuitive spiraling light within us, we know we have either been there, or we will be there.
Paradox – I am nothing without knowing my unknowing and the knowing and unknowing of the other. My heart longs for being – for being something to someone or at least only to myself.
The soul weeps for touch even as the mind figures, chronicles, and creates so many stories to keep the other away – far enough to be at a safe distance. Weeps to just be held and whole for one small moment as we are broken into pieces – again and again. We are so strong / we are so weak.
So, the question of the heart is asked – what If I risk seeing the other – the outcast, the stranger, the ones so different (though not so different) from me? The heart’s answer finds there is no static safety – only a journey that calls to the beating breast, with chords of compassion.
DCE -1/20/24