If interesting in adopting, go to https://newrattitude.org/adopt/
Midgie is a very sweet and smart 6-year-old, 17 lb. female rat terrier who just wants to play, love, and be loved!
She has a beautiful thick coat and a cute curly tail. She is treat-motivated and knows a variety of commands such as sit, lie down, off, wait, leave it, go to (get in) crate, come, quiet/no barking. She's not shy, but is usually quite quiet – unless she hears a suspected intruder. She is trustworthy on her own in the house, but is crate-trained too. She loves to chew on toys, and peanut-butter filled Kongs though she's very respectful and doesn't chew on anything else.
Midgie has been an only dog in the past, but she really loves having her foster siblings to play with! She gets along well with just about everyone and likes to stay active. Sometimes she doesn't pick up cues right away when her canine friends don't want to play. Big dogs can make her a little nervous at first, but she feels fine around dogs her size and her prior family said she does fine with cats.
Midgie gives gentle kisses and enjoys snuggling up next to her person – especially while sleeping under the covers in bed. During the day she is fully house-trained, though she had a few accidents in the middle of the night during her adjustment period. Despite that, Midgie is a very good girl and has irresistible charm. She rides well in a car and walks well on a leash. She's exceptionally easy-going and adapts quickly to new surroundings. While Midgie is having a great time in her foster home, she would really love to find her forever family and bring them lots of love and joy.
Check out some of her glamour shots here: https://imageevent.com/newrattitude/midgie