How to start a colt on cattle
Working cattle looks so fun! But how do you get your young horse started on cattle? Tune in and turn up the volume as Jeff explains how he likes to introduce his colts to cattle…. #nrha #nrcha #cowhorse #ElectricSnow #reinedcowhorse #thefutureisbright #trainingtips
Crimson Snow
❄️ Crimson Snow ❄️
2022 colt by Electric Snow
This guy has all of the talent and the look for the NRHA, all of the grit and cow sense for the NRCHA, and the mindset to do everything in between! Take him in any direction you want to go or go do them all. He’s ready! In fact he likes his job so much, he moves the herd of cattle all by himself 😎. NRHA Sire and Dam and NRBC enrolled. Electric Snow NRCHA Fans National Reined Cow Horse Association #nrha #nrcha #cowhorse #reining #electricsnow
The 2 year olds are growing up!
This is the time of the year we start introducing our 2 year olds to cattle - and we think Crimson Snow by Electric Snow did great for his first time on cattle! He is out of a Dual Pep bred mare, combining the best of the reining and cutting/cowhorse world on his papers.
Available Soon!!! Two Year Old Electric Snow Colt