Going through some old articles this am, and stumbled upon this little gem.
Thank you, Lord, for the best year ever, again. I’m still thankful❤️
I Am Thankful:
•for the One True God, who loves and pursues all people.
•for the endless number of pictures He paints so I might know Him better.
•for every face of every child who interacts with a well trained, gentle, lovely family dog.
•for every touch and moment of comfort a therapy dog brings to any person in a hospital bed, a hospice setting, or an oncology unit.
•for every service dog whose *eyes* and heart help a sightless person find their way safely across a busy street.
•for seasons and crops, reaping and sowing, planting and harvesting.
•for our Sequatchie skies… God’s artistry.
•for the freedoms we experience in the United States: the ability to dream, to own businesses, to share thoughts, and to share our faith- out loud.
•for Outa the Dog House- my heart that became a business, and a business that became a GIFT.
•for the freedom to be able to share God’s goodness, out loud, every week in class.
•for the freedom we have to gather, in Jesus’ name.
•for God’s desire that the earth would be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
•for the churches that dot our countryside bringing beauty, fellowship, encouragement, peace and friendship.
•for my family.
•for your families.
•for the parenting of sons and daughters- reminders of God’s Son and His own greatest gift.
•for the gifts of the next generation: for the insight they bring, for the future they steward, and for the wisdom they walk in.
•for the profound wisdom of God in using the ‘foolish things’ to make us wise. He shares Himself in such perfect, easy to understand packages. For me, those often come through dogs, puppies, adoption, pictures of covering, honor, authority, integrity, and unconditional love.
•for working dogs and their masters.
•for partnership.
•for love and do-overs.
•for lessons learned while training.
•for people who long to speak the language of dog.
•for healthy relationships.
•for the countless friendships birthed out of dog classes.
•for people who take broken, weary, old, unlovely dogs, and nurse them back to *life*... simply because they see the promise within.
•for God, who does the same with us.
•for the rescuers.
•for the techs.
•for unseen acts of kindness.
•for 3,000 families and counting who have shown up, invested, and spent the *time* necessary to create extraordinary companions.
•for people who have returned to train their second, third, and fourth dogs, because it’s FUN and necessary and encouraging and relational.
•for our neighbors.
•for newspaper articles, and the encouragement and texts and emails and comments on the street that follow.
Thank you for those.
They are so meaningful.
I have such a beautiful life.
•for mornings spent waking up with a good, sleepy companion dog at the foot of our bed, followed by a perfect cup of coffee, overlooking the lake.
•for small towns and big dreams.
•for our beautiful, restful Sequatchie Valley and its lovely, vast mountains that surround us.
•for challenging puppies, brilliant puppies, for bold ones and for the shy ones. They all change me, and they all make me better.
•for the hearts, families, stories, and dogs that people bring to class.
•for Ellie, who was a gift to me.. and for you, dear friends.
I am thankful. Merry Christmas❤️
(Copywrite Deb Mileur/ Outa the Dog House. Originally printed in the Bledsonian Banner.)