Great weekend at Apple Valley KC
Sean and Madeleine, the Brittany, were Best of Breed all 3 days and got a group 4 under Mrs. Glendinning, for her first major win. Madeleine is bred by myself and Linda McDonald. Congratulations Sean and to her owner Morgan.
Teemu and Lillian were at the show this weekend and got 2 Best Junior Handlers and a Reserve Best Junior the other day!!!!
Sean and Choni, our Doberman puppy, were winners all 3 days!!!!
Gideon, the Rhodesian Ridgeback, was Best of Breed all 3 days, group one under hound authority Lou Guerrero and group 4 under Mr. Garren. Thank you Erin Karst for the opportunity to cover your boy for the weekend, he’s a great dog.
Meemo, the Bullmastiff, was Select on the day he showed, for his first Grand Champion points.
Clooney was Best of Breed all 3 days
Thank you to all the judges who found these dogs and thank you to the club members for this great show. Huge congratulations to all of the owners and breeds of these dogs that we are so happy to show!