I'm having problems with my German shepherds. I have two that a guy is watching for me and one of them has been kind of unruly. She broke out of her pen and killed two of the neighbors chickens. She also dug herself out and the neighbor called and Vince had to go get her. I've been laid up in a nursing home for about the last 8 months. I tore my quad and was not able to put any pressure on it for about 5 months. I had to learn to walk and climb steps all over again. Most of my recuperation is done. But I'm not sure when I would be able to take Mishka back. If somebody would want her that would be cool or if you want to just hold on to her for a while until I'm ready that would be cool also. If you could help please let me know. Is in Wisconsin. Appleton area but the dogs are in Ripon.