Hello everyone i have a really important announcement to make so please take time to read!
As some of you may or may not know in December 2023 i got engaged! Shortly after in February of 2024 my fiancé and I bought a house and We will be getting married in October 2024. Although this is really exciting news and a new exciting chapter, it also comes with some hard decisions and a lot of back forth thinking on what’s best for me, my future, KaitsGrooms and the future of KaitsGrooms. With that being said…
KaitsGrooms will be RELOCATING to Thomasville, NC in January 2025.
My fiancé and I have been working really hard to get a new shop set up for KaitsGrooms in Thomasville.
I know for some this may be exciting news and for others unfortunate or inconvenient.
Words can not describe how grateful i am for my shop in Archdale and the AMAZING clients I have made and got to know! I hope that many of you will be able to follow KaitsGrooms as i hate to think about losing any of you! But I also understand some may not be able to follow me to Thomasville due to different reasonings. I am blessed to know each and every one of the dogs i have met and had the joy of grooming in Archdale! And hope to see a lot of their joyful faces moving forward!
I know for me this was a really hard decision. I have a lot of mixed emotions about the move, as I’m sad to leave Archdale but excited to see what God has in store for KaitsGrooms in Thomasville.
I please ask that if you are unable to follow me to Thomasville in the near future you continue to support KaitsGrooms by sharing my post and recommending people!
As of right now, if everything goes as planned, I will moving in January 2025, i will keep everyone updated so please look out for updates and notices.
I will be getting married October 13th 2024 so i will be taking some time off for the wedding, for the honeymoon and to get moved into our new house. I will be off 10/11-10/28.