Our products, Laminil Cream and Laminil Solution, harness the power of a mast cell stabilizing drug to modulate inflammatory responses and promote healing. Willowcroft Pharm offers innovative solutions for combating laminitis, a debilitating condition affecting horses and other mammals. Laminil (cromolyn sodium) targets mast cell activation, a key factor in the inflammatory cascade leading to lami
nitis. By blocking aberrant mast cell activation, Laminil interrupts the inflammatory process, reduces leukocyte recruitment, and supports essential wound healing and growth functions. Equine laminitis is a preventable and treatable condition with Laminil. Our products offer:
—Prophylactic benefits: Laminil stabilizes the immune system, preventing inflammatory episodes.
—Therapeutic effects: In the acute phase, Laminil modulates inflammation, stabilizes the system, and promotes healing.
—Comprehensive approach: When combined with proper podiatry, diet management, and regular movement, Laminil can prevent future inflammatory episodes and support full recovery. The active ingredient in Laminil, cromolyn sodium, is FDA-approved for allergies, asthma, and mast cell disorders. Cromolyn sodium's safety profile is exceptional, with no known harmful side effects even at high doses. It does not interact with other medications and is suitable for long-term use. Laminil Products and Administration
Our products are compounded by certified pharmacies and available by veterinary prescription. Client Testimonials
Hundreds of horses worldwide have benefited from Laminil. Clients and veterinarians consistently report positive outcomes, with many crediting Laminil for saving their horses from laminitis or preventing recurrent episodes.