Just in case there is any reason to wonder if horses have personalities... watch this video clip!
Here is a 45 second sample of seeing the views "between the ears" of a horse!
Just a little riding between the rain showers!!!
Saturday was a day we have dreaded for a long time. Our treasured, loveable nearly 40 year old pony mare, Stormy, passed away. It is never easy to say good-bye to any horse, but Stormy was "the best pony that ever lived". In the 10 years she was with us, she must have given 100s of rides to little kids & a few adults too. She has been to shows, gymkhanas, parades & community events. Here at 4J Farmm, she was the backbone of our horsemanship program & will be missed by many. It is a comfort that she had a long life & left on her own time, but there will never be another like her. It has been such a joy & blessing to have her as part of our family. Happy Trails Stormy. Hope you have found greener pastures!
Drill Team Camp Performance
Although the weather this week was like summer, it looks like we still have some "snow on the ground" here at 4J!!!
(All of that shedding hair is a good sign that summer IS on the way!)
Due to the incoming storm, we will be closed Tuesday & Wednesday. Stay home & stay safe!
This is the kind of silly stuff that happens in the barn!
While I was cleaning stalls, I heard an unusual "jingling" sound, so I went to check it out. Herman had taken Wyatt's halter & was having a grand time playing with it!!!
These two are like partners in crime! When I went in to get the halter, both of them trotted away from me. Herman took the halter with him!
Although ALL of our horses are owned by me, Herman has become "mine". He is goofy & not terribly bright. But super loveable & cute. We put up with each other's quirks & have become a pretty good partners!
Fun idea for a rainy day? Join us today 2pm-4pm for "Spring at the Farm"! Hunt easter eggs in the barn, hold the chicks & ducks, pet our bunny & have a lead-line horse ride! Just $10/person. We have room to do it all right in the barn, so RAIN OR SHINE! Please PM or text 518-791-9811 to confirn that you will attend (so we have enough eggs for hunting)! We have SO MUCH MUD to play in too! Happy Spring!
Managed to get a short ride in this morning before it started raining! Cisco is so fuzzy it was like riding a teddy bear!
After being in the barn for a few days, the horses are very happy and frisky out in the snow!! They LOVE it! 🐴❄️❤️