Cottonwood Animal Clinic

Cottonwood Animal Clinic Welcome to Cottonwood Animal Clinic where we look forward to helping you with your animals’ health But sometimes you have questions, and that’s where we fit in.

We understand that you care very much for your animals, and we want you to know that we look forward to partnering with you in this endeavor. You know that you and the people around you tend to function better when you eat well, take some time to exercise and reduce your risk of dangerous conditions, for instance you put on sunscreen when you are going to be exposed to the sun. You realize what yo

u need to do to take care of yourself, and you also want to do what you can to take care of your animals, too. When you have questions about a vaccination schedule for your pet or for your herd, we are here for you. When you have questions about the nutritional needs of any of your animals in their various stages of life, we are here for you. Even when you do the best you can, things happen. We want to partner with you in navigating those hard times with your animals in providing various treatment options and then supporting you the best we can through it all. Over the past four decades a few things at the clinic have changed. It has grown, a smaller percentage of the staff is actually family, and technology has greatly improved. The one thing that has not changed is that we still look forward to seeing you and your animals visiting us at the clinic.

Trigger warning: loss of a beloved petThe human-animal bond between a beloved family pet and its people is an interestin...

Trigger warning: loss of a beloved pet

The human-animal bond between a beloved family pet and its people is an interesting and amazingly strong relationship for both the pet and the owners. Owners provide protection and care for the pet and typically consider that pet like a family member. The loss of the pet is often painful and the owners have grief to process.

Why is it? It's just an animal right? Yes and no. In the human-animal bond, the pet has brought unconditional love, companionship and many happy memories to their owners. It hurts when their dear pet is no longer with them.

We want to share a personal story about Luther and Peach. As many of you know, Luther is Dr. Carson's youngest child, and he is looking forward to his high school graduation in a little over 2 months. Peach (her given name was Princess Peach) joined the Abrams family when Luther was 2 years old. She was very loved by the whole family (and many others here at the clinic) but Luther had a pretty tight connection with her. He really doesn't have any memories before Peach was in their family, so it is a little rough losing her.

Peach was an older puppy (8-9 months old) when they got her. She was kind of a scrawny, runt-of-the-litter type puppy and her hair coat was always pretty thin and her teeth were terrible even though Dr. Carson was diligent to do regular dental cleanings and maintenance on her. She was considered the "ugly duckling" by many, but when they saw her, they knew she was the right one for their family. Dr. Carson and his family did not have much background information about her, so they gave her a birthday the same date as Luther's birthday so they could celebrate her birthday every year. For almost 16 years, she brought much joy to the family. She was a good one!!

If you scroll through the pictures, you will see many happy faces and undoubtedly you can see the human-animal bond between Luther and Peach.

If you have ever experienced this type of loss, we understand it hurts. However, we are grateful for the wonderful memories and joy our dearest pets bring into our lives.


There are 5 Saturdays in March, and Cottonwood Animal Clinic will be open for walk-ins on March 1st and March 15th.

Meet Gracie! She doesn't speak English, but because she was MICROCHIPPED 👏👏👏, we were able to piece together some of Gra...

Meet Gracie! She doesn't speak English, but because she was MICROCHIPPED 👏👏👏, we were able to piece together some of Gracie's story which has been a little adventurous 🙌 🙌 this past week.

Gracie is a 19-month old terrier that lives in Saint John, KS which is about an hour west of Hutchinson. This morning, a good Samaritan saw this little doggie running on B street near the Rec Center in Arkansas City, and brought it to Cottonwood Animal Clinic 🏥 to have her scanned for a microchip.

We scanned and located a working microchip, but unfortunately it was not registered in the national microchip database. After a little more searching, we were able to determine that the chip had been administered at a veterinary facility 🏥 in Larned, KS. We called that veterinary facility 🏥 and fortunately they were able to search their own database to locate her owners. Whew! Crisis averted!!

We called her owners and found out that Gracie was last seen about 5-6 days ago. They were very sad as they had searched all around their vicinity for a couple of days, and finally came to the conclusion that maybe she had been harmed by wildlife in the area.

Her owners were SO HAPPY when we called to say that Gracie was safe and sound, and they made arrangements to drive to pick her up today! They believe that she had been picked up by another driver 🚙 and then somehow made another escape here in Arkansas City.

She is safe on her way 🚗 with her owners, now.

Gracie wants you to know that her microchip was really the only thing that helped her get reconnected with her owners. If you decide to have your pets microchipped, please make sure to get them scanned regularly to ensure they are working properly, and make sure that they are registered in the national database.

SIDE NOTE: There are different microchip registries, and recently SAVE THIS LIFE registry went out of business. Make sure your pet's microchip information is up-to-date and accessible for someone who might find your pet.

Something showed up at Cottonwood Animal Clinic that we just don't typically ever see in Kansas!  This dog tested positi...

Something showed up at Cottonwood Animal Clinic that we just don't typically ever see in Kansas! This dog tested positive for Lyme Disease, but it so happens this dog has spent some time in Ohio. Lyme Disease in dogs is traditionally rare in Kansas, but it is increasing in frequency in Kansas.

Lyme Disease in dogs is spread by infected blacklegged ticks, which is a a really good reason to keep your canine friends on an external parasite preventative. Researchers are always learning new information, but, we are not aware of direct spread of Lyme disease from one dog to another dog. And, the spread of Lyme disease from dogs to people has not been reported either, however people are also at risk for Lyme disease if they are bitten by an infected tick.

Cottonwood Animal Clinic typically uses a 4DX test which tests for several different infectious diseases (Heartworm (transmission through infected mosquitos), Lyme disease, Ehrlichia canis, Ehrlichia ewingii, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Anaplasma platys, and Borrelia burgdorferi).

Even if your dog is on a heartworm preventative all year long, this gives us helpful information to make sure the HW preventative is actually working as well as diagnostics about other diseases carried by ticks...and we have plenty of those in Kansas!

We collect ticks and send them off. When we get results of what percentages of different ticks we have, we will post results here.

February is National Pet Dental 🦷🦷🦷 Month and Fridays are dental 🦷 days at Cottonwood Animal Clinic. Not only does it he...

February is National Pet Dental 🦷🦷🦷 Month and Fridays are dental 🦷 days at Cottonwood Animal Clinic. Not only does it help with fresher breath, more importantly poor dental 🦷 health can significantly impact your pet's overall health.

Currently, we are offering a free 14 count of Oravet Dental 🦷Chews with any dental 🦷cleaning for canines through the month of April. Call 620-442-8619 now to schedule a dental 🦷consultation for your pet with one of our doctors.

Take a peek at the before and after pics below! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼



Yikes, we realized we hadn't posted our February Saturday schedule yet, sorry about that!

We want to celebrate Elle’s 3 year work anniversary in January. Elle is one of our vet assistants and we love her care a...

We want to celebrate Elle’s 3 year work anniversary in January. Elle is one of our vet assistants and we love her care and compassion for both animals and their owners. Congratulations, Elle!!

Happy Birthday to our groomer, Ganuary!

Happy Birthday to our groomer, Ganuary!


A couple of days ago, we welcomed ten 🩷🩷🩷🩵🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩵 little puppies via an unplanned C-section. Here is a video of them at about 30-60 minutes old. Momma is doing well now and all 10 puppies are gaining weight already.

Turn up the volume, we happen to think it is one of the BEST sounds we get to hear from time to time at the clinic. What breed do you think they are?

Puppy weight REVEAL!The total weight for all 8 puppies was 68.13 pounds. The 4 🩵🩵🩵🩵males average weight was 9.1 pounds p...

Puppy weight REVEAL!

The total weight for all 8 puppies was 68.13 pounds. The 4 🩵🩵🩵🩵males average weight was 9.1 pounds per male puppy. The 4 🩷🩷🩷🩷females average weight was 7.9 pounds per female puppy. Both the males and females doubled or more than doubled their weight in 2 weeks when we weighed them on December 26th and then again on January 9th. For the next few weeks, we anticipate they will continue growing very rapidly. It would not be unusual to see them gaining 2-3 pounds per week which means they will likely double their weight again by the time they would be ready for the next round of vaccines in 3 weeks.

There are some in the litter who are still looking for their forever family.

Earlier this week, Elsie’s puppies came in for their 1st puppy vaccinations, deworming and wellness checks. All 8 of the...

Earlier this week, Elsie’s puppies came in for their 1st puppy vaccinations, deworming and wellness checks.

All 8 of these Rottweiler puppies are growing by leaps and bounds. Their owner has brought them to visit at 2weeks and 4weeks to be weighed and dewormed. They used to all fit in 1 box, but not this week!! 😂

👇🏻👇🏻Tell us how many pounds you think all 8 puppies weighed in total pounds. We will come back and update the total pounds on Monday! 👍🏻

These are very special puppies, born on Thanksgiving Day, and some of them are still looking for a special home to live forever. They have even spent time getting used to kids being around and playing with them. There are 4 males and 4 females.

Cottonwood Animal Clinic will have walk-in Saturdays on January 4th and January 18th from 9AM - 11AM.

Cottonwood Animal Clinic will have walk-in Saturdays on January 4th and January 18th from 9AM - 11AM.

UPDATE:  The clinic is out of the tickets we have purchased, but you can still purchase your own at Pumpkin Pants Ranch....

UPDATE: The clinic is out of the tickets we have purchased, but you can still purchase your own at Pumpkin Pants Ranch.

Who's in for a holly jolly time with Mr. and Mrs. Claus at Pumpkin Pants Ranch this weekend? And who wouldn't mind a free ticket?

We're giving you super short notice, but we know we can count on you to help spread the word for THIS WEEKEND. The staff at Cottonwood Animal Clinic are fans of Pumpkin Pants Ranch and want to treat 20 people to a fun-filled experience!

Pumpkin Pants Ranch is open Saturday and Sunday from 3 pm to 7 pm, so comment below if you and a friend are ready to get festive.

Millie says MERRY CHRISTMAS to you! Isn't she sweet?She came in for her microchip, and now she has extra assurance that ...

Millie says MERRY CHRISTMAS to you! Isn't she sweet?

She came in for her microchip, and now she has extra assurance that if she gets lost from her family that she can be reunited.

If your pet already has a microchip, please ask us to scan for it at least once per year to make sure it is still working! 😊

One of the reasons our staff wears purple 💜 on Fridays is because we love our Ark City Bulldogs!  Girls Varsity Wrestlin...

One of the reasons our staff wears purple 💜 on Fridays is because we love our Ark City Bulldogs! Girls Varsity Wrestling Varsity and Jr Varsity will be in Wellington tomorrow! Go Lady Bulldogs Go! 💜💛💜

This sweet gal, Mandela, came to visit us at the clinic today, and she is all decked out for Christmas. Isn't she lovely...

This sweet gal, Mandela, came to visit us at the clinic today, and she is all decked out for Christmas. Isn't she lovely? 😍

Who else enjoys getting their pet dressed for the holidays?

Cottonwood Animal Clinic will be taking walk-ins on Saturday, Dec. 7th and Saturday, Dec. 21st. We will be closed the ot...

Cottonwood Animal Clinic will be taking walk-ins on Saturday, Dec. 7th and Saturday, Dec. 21st. We will be closed the other 2 Saturdays.

Our regular office hours are Monday - Friday 8AM - 5:30PM, but for the week of Christmas, we will be closed all day on December 24th and December 25th. We will be open for regular business on December 31st, but we will be closed all day on January 1st, 2025. 🥳🥳

We hope this helps our clients plan for routine appointments, pet food and prescription refills.

Cottonwood Animal Clinic had the distinct pleasure of hosting 4th year Iowa State vet student, Macy Flowers for the past...

Cottonwood Animal Clinic had the distinct pleasure of hosting 4th year Iowa State vet student, Macy Flowers for the past 2 weeks in fulfilling one of her externship requirements. We asked Macy what stood out to her as a highlight in the past two weeks, and she had a hard time narrowing it down. She said overall, she loved seeing a very wide variety of cases, all sorts of things from working on a bucking horse to helping with a leg amputation on a dog to a unique kidney case and many, many more. She was happy to get a good amount of hands-on experiences, especially in surgery. And she was impressed with the true mentorship that Dr. Carson and Dr. KaCee provided the whole way. She said, "In school, they pretty much just tell you what to do. Here, they actually let me practice 'doctor thinking' by asking questions...and not in a condescending way, but in a nice way."

Macy also mentioned that she enjoyed staying in our private studio apartment, and that it was helpful to have good accommodations available for vet students who are coming from a distance and don't really have a place to stay.

Fun fact: Before she began vet school at Iowa State University, Macy played on the K-State Volleyball team for 4 years where she earned her undergraduate.


7171 252nd Road, Cottonwood Animal Clinic
Arkansas City, KS

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8am - 5:30pm
Friday 8am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9am - 11am




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Our Story

Cottonwood Animal Clinic is a family-owned small business in Arkansas City, KS since 1978. We offer services for small and large animal health care. We also have an online pharmacy to have items shipped directly to your door!