The DogSpaw

The DogSpaw The DogSpaw believes fulfilling our customers' needs is our mission. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from happy clients' referrals.

You can reach us at (817) 465-3647 or (682) 444-8147. Online Booking available at


The dogSpaw has an immediate opening for a part time bather for 20-30 hours per week. Drop by the shop and say "hey" and fill out an application (the best option.) Or, send your work history to [email protected], and we will get back with you as quickly as possible. :)


Online Booking Update

We've now updated and activated the online booking website for The dogSpaw, which means everyone who wants to choose a specific day and time for their grooming appointment can view available appointment times and request them online. That link is found on the top of our page, or can be selected here:

In many cases, this is quicker and more convenient than a phone call, but we're always happy to get regular phone calls too. :)

Give it a try and let us know what you think. And as always, have an excellent day from the whole dogSpaw crew! :D


August 5, 2021

We're in high gear here at The dogSpaw this summer, and we realize that we might benefit from having a little bit more help around the shop. If any of our Facebook friends might know someone who likes dogs and wants to help out scrubbing and clipping, we're looking for the following:

Spaw Tech Assistant: Starts at $12 per hour, part time as needed. Bathing, cleaning, and general customer service and groomer support. 4-6 hours per day Monday - Saturday.

Dog Groomer: Experience a plus, but can train the right person. Will be needed to fill the schedule mid-week, plus a few Fridays and Saturdays to start out. Will transition into a full-time position as you build your clientele.

Please stop by the shop and fill out an application. We are looking forward to seeing you! :)

Tony and Becky, and the entire dogSpaw crew.


August 2, 2021 - Temporary line outage on 2nd line.

Good Morning! We are currently experiencing an outage on our 2nd line, (682) 444-8147. Calls to our primary line, (817) 465-3647 are still working fine. We are working to get service restored as soon as possible. Wouldn't be Texas without storms ripping through utility lines now and then. ;)

Thanks for your patience while we get things back to normal.

Tony Chevalier
Operations Manager
The dogSpaw


Operational Update for The dogSpaw
Monday, March 8, 2021

Beginning Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021, The State of Texas will be lifting the mandate for face coverings as a Covid-19 health safety measure. The new guidelines continue to recommend social distancing of six feet or more when occupying public retail spaces. The guidelines also recommend wearing face coverings when keeping six feet or more of distance from others is not possible.

After reviewing the State’s guidance, The dogSpaw has determined that the State of Texas has limited enforcement of coronavirus-related issues at the city and county level, and has essentially made following the rules an “honor system.” As a result, all issues related to masks and distancing are now left to individuals to decide whether to follow or not. With that in mind, here is how we plan to go forward at The dogSpaw.

1) We will continue to limit access to the retail area of the shop to no more than six people from two households. This has been working well, and will keep people from stacking up on each other when picking up their pets. In the event there are more than six people in the waiting area, we ask that you wait outside, or in your car, until your pet is ready for pickup. In most cases, we will bring your pet out to you.

2) Social distancing of 6 (six) feet or more must be observed at all times.

3) Face coverings are strongly encouraged to be worn by everyone who enters the shop retail area. While they are no longer required by the State of Texas, they will still help protect you against airborne transmission of the coronavirus. This notice is also intended to convey that, because the State of Texas has left no legal recourse to businesses or local government to deal with issues related to compliance, The dogSpaw cannot and will not be responsible for anyone’s exposure to Covid-19. Everyone bears the personal responsibility for their own health and well-being, including any family members who accompany them, by observing social distancing and wearing a face covering. We honor everyone’s right to choose whether to wear a face covering or not, as long as everyone understands that they bear the risks of their personal choice. Anyone entering The dogSpaw without a face covering and/or who does not observe the social distancing protocol outlined by the State of Texas agrees that they are solely responsible for their decision and any and all possible outcomes that may arise as a result of that decision.

4) Anyone who appears to be sick, and/or any pet that appears sick may be refused access to the shop. This is intended for the safety of everyone, and exceptions will not be made for anyone, period. This applies to clients, employees, pets, general contractors, and anyone else who may request access to the premises. Face coverings will not be recognized as a barrier for any active illness. Again, this is meant to promote the health and safety of everyone. Please respect others by not being out in public if you are sick.

5) Curbside service will remain an option upon request for anyone who does not feel comfortable entering the shop retail area. Please let us know when you make your appointment that you would like curbside service. Please call us at 817-444-8147 when you arrive to drop-off or pick-up, as this will help us streamline your request. If we do not answer the phone for any reason, please leave a message. We receive messages in real time, and we will look to see if anyone is waiting when we receive a message. You are also welcome to press the doorbell to get our attention, but that will take us a little bit longer to get out to you than a phone call.

A huge dogSpaw "thank you" to everyone for helping us get through 2020 successfully! We're doing everything we can to get back to normal as quickly and safely as possible.

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the whole dogSpaw crew,


A New Year, A Friendly Reminder.

The dogSpaw would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year a few days behind schedule. We're still feeling the aftershocks of 2020. ;)

We would like to remind everyone that Tarrant County still has a countywide mask mandate, and that everyone who enters a retail/public space must comply with that order. Those of you fortunate enough to have received a Covid-19 vaccination are still required to comply with the mask order. We are mentioning it here because, a) we have observed a number of people without masks, and we want to make sure everyone still understands that masks are still required in Tarrant County, and b) even having been vaccinated, you can still carry and spread Covid-19 even if you don't become infected from the virus. Wearing a mask is still the best way to protect others.

As a friendly reminder, The dogSpaw recognizes virtually any non-sheer cloth face covering as an acceptable mask, along with actual paper or cloth masks. Anything that will minimize person-to-person contact. This includes keeping six feet (or more) of distance between individuals not in the same household.

Our goal is to keep everyone healthy and compliant with local ordinances. That, and keeping dogs clean and happy. We appreciate everyone being courteous and patient while we wait for the day we can all go out and about without masks.

Thanks for reading this reminder, and have a great 2021!

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the dogSpaw crew.


Operational Update - June 25, 2020

Tarrant County has ordered a countywide mask order for everyone in a public space within the county, effective at 6:00pm on Friday June 26, 2020 and continuing through August 3, 2020. This order will likely be extended into the fall, given the current number of active COVID-19 cases being documented across the state and DFW metro area.

Effective immediately, all employees and customers at The dogSpaw, and all contractors and vendors entering our retail space will be required to wear a face covering while inside that space. We understand not everyone enjoys or tolerates wearing a mask well, and so our definition of face coverings include:

a) medical or construction grade particulate masks
b) scarves or wraps made from a non-sheer material
c) tube scarves or gaiters
d) bandanas or durable cloth covering
e) any full-face shield made of cloth or plastic

All face coverings must cover the mouth and nose at a minimum, and must effectively minimize the transmission of aerosols/vapors/condensates when worn properly, and while establishing proper social distances which are defined as six feet or more in public spaces.

We would like to thank everyone for their continued patience and courtesy as we navigate through the next phase of COVID-19 in the DFW metro area. We are continuing to make every effort to provide a safe and secure environment for everyone, and we greatly appreciate everyone’s help in making that a reality.

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the entire dogSpaw crew.

The full county order is available here:


Operational Update - June 24, 2020

We have been encouraging the use of masks at The dogSpaw since May 14th, and if local reporting is accurate, Tarrant County will soon impose a mandatory mask order for everyone who ventures out in public. This will likely include everyone who enters a retail space. Dallas County has had a mandatory mask rule in place for several weeks, as anyone who ventures over to Grand Prairie now and then may already be aware.

While we agree with the county enforcing the health and safety of everyone who goes out in public, we also understand that not everyone agrees with wearing a mask. At the dogSpaw, we define a mask as any face covering that minimizes the transfer of aerosols and/or vapors at safe distances. This would include medical masks, construction masks, cotton or synthetic fiber masks, bandanas, wraps, neck gaiters or tube masks, scarves that are not made of see-thru material, or any other cloth covering that prevents the general transfer of particulates at safe distances.

Safe distances are generally considered to be six feet or more. While we do not enforce social distancing in our customer space, we strongly encourage everyone to practice social distancing as a courtesy to others. We appreciate everyone being courteous to others while out in public in this regard.

If you arrive for an appointment without a mask, we will be happy to meet you curbside outside of the retail space. We understand that not everyone remembers to grab a mask on the way out the door. We do recommend that everyone keeps a spare mask in a zipper seal bag in the car in the event you forget to grab your mask before leaving home. This will help to keep you compliant with local regulations regardless of which county you travel through, and will allow us to visit with you when you drop by to see us.

As always, our goal is the safety and well-being of our customers, our employees, and those who help us to keep things running at The dogSpaw. By wearing your mask or other face covering when you are in public, you will let others know that you care about them too. :)

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the entire dogSpaw crew.


Operational Update - May 10, 2020:

The Texas State Governor's Phase 2 order to reopen the state took effect this past Friday, May 8, 2020, which reopens limited capacity retail and hair and nail salons, among other businesses. After reviewing the order and related guidelines, we are pleased to announce that we will resume limited access to the shop area on Thursday, May 14th.

What this means is that we will allow up to 2 (two) customers at any one time into the retail area of the shop to drop off, pick up, and check out. The sole exception to this rule is where there are 2 (two) people from a single household together, such as spouses and a parent/child, they will count as a single person. Groups of three or more cannot be accommodated inside the shop at this time, and we encourage anyone with a full car of family members that must remain together to request curbside service. We appreciate everyone helping us by adhering to this guideline.

We also encourage anyone who does not feel comfortable entering a retail space for personal health concerns to request curbside service as well. We will be happy to meet you out front for drop off, pick up, and check out as well.

We strongly encourage everyone who enters the shop to wear appropriate facial coverings to mitigate exposure for themselves and others to Coronavirus. This will help us to keep everyone safe as well. Additionally, while hand sanitizer has become scarce, we have acquired some specifically for customers, and we will provide a spritz upon request at the completion of the checkout process at the counter inside.

As a quick overview, the following guidelines will help us serve you better during your next visit to The dogSpaw:

a) Facial coverings and maintaining six feet or more of social distancing are recommended for everyone.

b) Anyone who appears unwell, or any pet which appears unwell will be asked to leave the shop and seek medical attention. This is for the health and safety of our other customers and employees. We appreciate your understanding for the necessity of this rule.

c) We are currently busy most days, and we make every effort to answer every call we receive. But, it's not always possible to grab the phone before it kicks over to voicemail. If you do encounter our voicemail greeting, please leave us a message with your name and number. We get all voicemails in real time, and we will call you back as quickly as possible.

d) Our groomers have the final decision on how many dogs they can handle on any given day. Large dogs reduce the total number of dogs they can fit into their schedules. If there are no appointments available for large dogs for several days, please understand that we have booked up the maximum capacity for larger dogs, and we understand if you need to use another groomer to get your larger dog groomed in a timely fashion. COVID-19 has also added some time to our grooming days for cleaning, sanitizing, and accommodating clients curbside. We do all we can, but we can't do it all sometimes. Being able to open the inside of the shop to customers will open up a little more time in the scheduling, and hopefully everyone can be accommodated in a reasonable amount of time. :)

Thanks again to everyone for their patience and understanding while we slowly try to get back to a more normal routine. Thank you for choosing The dogSpaw.

Tony and Becky, and the entire dogSpaw crew.


Operational Update - April 30, 2020:

The Texas State Governor's Phase 1 order to reopen the state takes effect tomorrow, May 1, 2020. This order also supersedes, and effectively cancels the Tarrant County Stay-at-Home order. Because the number of cases of COVID-19 in the DFW area remains a concern for everyone, The dogSpaw will continue Curbside Only service through May 11th. At that time, we will review whether returning to limited access inside the shop makes sense.

We appreciate everyone's patience while we work toward being able to return to normal operations. We would also like to thank everyone for bearing with us as we deal with the extra time it takes for checking in and out. We are working on ways to improve the curbside experience, and we expect those improvements to be in place by this weekend.

When we do resume limited access service into the shop, we will continue to offer curbside service upon request to anyone who feels more comfortable remaining outside. Based on our experiences thus far, we encourage anyone dropping off or picking up curbside to pull up to the door, and we will make every effort to keep your wait to a minimum.

Thank you for your continued business, and we look forward to your next visit to The dogSpaw.

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the entire dogSpaw crew.


Operational Update - April 22, 2020:

Due to the extended Tarrant County order for Covid-19, and the continued concern over personal safety and social distancing, The dogSpaw is offering dog grooming and bathing services via curbside drop-off and pick-up ONLY. This will continue until Tarrant County modifies or rescinds their order, which is likely to run through the summer. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our customers, but we will make every effort to make our service as effortless as possible during this period.

A few reminders for everyone to keep in mind:

We have experienced an increase in calls and appointments as the weather has gotten warmer. If we cannot answer the phone for any reason, please leave a message, and we will return your call as quickly as possible.

Weekends are going to be busy, and a little hectic at times, and we may take a little longer at times to handle drop-offs and pickups. We're smoothing out the rough edges little by little, but please bear with us as we get the process better refined.

We encourage everyone to make an appointment before showing up at the shop. This allows us to be ready for your arrival, and have everything in place to accommodate your pet(s). While we appreciate everyone who stops by to visit us, walk-up service will be difficult to accommodate during this period.

All new clients need to provide a copy of their current rabies vaccination. The easiest way to send this to us is to have your veterinarian email or fax that over. You can also provide a printed hard copy, or send us a forwarded email copy from your vet. Please call the shop at (817) 465-3647 if you need to make an appointment, and/or provide our contact information to your vet. This will help us to be better prepared when you arrive for your scheduled appointment.

And, finally... please respect social distances while waiting outside the shop. Also, please respect those who are ahead of you while dropping off or picking up. We will help them get their transaction(s) completed as quickly as possible, and we will help the next in line in the order they arrive. We want everyone to be safe, and we want to provide the best service possible under difficult circumstances. Waiting your turn will help us to do that better.

As always, we appreciate your business, and we look forward to your next visit. By following the guidelines above, we can provide a high level of service to everyone. Thank you for helping us to do that for "every dog, every day."

Have a great evening, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the entire dogSpaw crew.


Phone Update - November 20, 2019

As of right this moment, 10:55pm on Wednesday night, our phone system is working reasonably well, and a few updates to our voicemail system have improved that experience also. Again, we would like to apologize to everyone who couldn't get through to us this week. It's been an adventure.

There are still a few hiccups in the system, so you may notice a few oddities here and there, but we will get them fixed as we are able. For now, we're happy to have the phones working again. 😁

We added both of our phone numbers to the cover image of our page as a handy reference. It should be easily readable on your mobile devices as well. We are going to update all of our online access points to show both lines as soon as we are able. Going into a busy holiday weekend has us a little occupied at the moment.

Thanks again for your patience with our silly problem, and have a great Thanksgiving holiday!

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the dogSpaw crew.


Phone Update - November 19, 2019

As many of you may be aware, we have once again been experiencing phone issues at The dogSpaw. The recent problems appear to be a result of our phone service changing computer servers. In the words of the company president, "nothing went according to plan." While we sympathize with his situation, that unfortunate experience has also impacted our service. As a result, we have decided to permanently provide our second line number as another option to reach us directly.

That number is (682) 444-8147.

We are absolutely committed to being available when you call us, and we absolutely want to make that as simple as possible. While we tried our best to only need one phone number, reality has determined that we need a backup as well, and so this second number will be available if our main number is not.

We apologize to everyone who has been unable to reach us over the past week, and we appreciate your patience while we get the wrinkles ironed out of our phone system.

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the entire dogSpaw crew.


Phone Update - August 9, 2019

We have fixed a tiny glitch in the voicemail services, and all lines are now properly receiving voicemail. If you are sent to voicemail during our shop hours, it is likely we didn't get to the phone quickly enough before voicemail picked up. If this happens, please leave us your name and number, and any important details, and we will get back to you within the hour in most cases. If you would like a text response that we received your voicemail, leave a number for us to text you back.

Sadly, making changes usually requires fixing all the unexpected little problems that pop up as a result of the change, and we're hopeful that this is the last fix we'll need to make so that everything runs smoothly again. Well, as smooth as it gets, anyhow.

Thanks for your patience during this adventure, and have a very pleasant day!

Tony and Becky Chevalier and,
The entire dogSpaw crew.

Phone Update - August 1, 2019The final updates to the phone system are now in place, and you should be able to reach us ...

Phone Update - August 1, 2019

The final updates to the phone system are now in place, and you should be able to reach us at the main number, (817) 465-3647 (also known as 81PinkDogs) without issues. We have noticed a few stray voicemails here and there, but we get those fairly quickly and make every effort to return those calls as quickly as possible.

For those of you calling our 375 number, please make sure you update that to our main number (81PinkDogs) in your cell phones and other contacts lists, as we will be retiring service on the 375 number soon. Our old FAX number that ends in 3652 will also be retiring. This is due to the unwillingness of the phone companies to move numbers to other services these days. After several weeks of phone calls back and forth, we have decided to go a different direction than what we have been doing for the past 13 years. The good part: calls to our main number should work fine most of the time. :)

You may notice that we also call back on three different 682 area code numbers. These are good numbers, but calling them directly may have odd results. Once again, calling the main number (81PinkDogs) is the best choice for everyone. If one of our lines is busy, it will move to another line automatically. If all lines are busy, you'll end up at our prerecorded voicemail message. NOTE: if you get a message that says voicemail is not set up, something has gone wrong somewhere, and you may need to wait a few minutes and try back. We aren't sure why this happens, but most of the time everyone is properly directed to voicemail. We apologize for having to have a last-resort voicemail message, but occasionally everyone calls at the same time, and the lines all light up at the same time. Having voicemail makes sure your call gets through on YOUR time, which is what we want to happen whenever you call.

We also encourage everyone to try out the online booking option at - which gives us your preferred appointment date and time straight into our booking system. If we have the time and day available, we click the button and set you up. If the time and day are unavailable, we'll give you a call and see what else might work for you. As usual, weekends are crazy, and weekdays are less crazy.

We're here to make your grooming appointment as effortless as possible, but there are hiccups in the digital systems from time to time. Hopefully, with the current updates to our phones, there will be fewer hiccups in that part of the equation. And, as always, we appreciate you choosing us to be your grooming destination.

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the whole dogSpaw crew.

The DogSpaw - Arlington, TX. Because Your Dog Deserves Better. Day Spa


Update on phone issue:

We have shuffled the phone system, and are now receiving calls on our main number as well as the additional provided numbers.

It is likely that we will modify our phone system over the next few weeks, and we will let everyone know when that is completed. In the meantime, calls to (817) 465-3647 (also known as 465-DOGS or 81PinkDogs) will ring our phones, or lead to voicemail after regular hours.

If you encounter voicemail during regular hours, please leave a message and try back in an hour if you don't hear from us. It's a busy summer, and we're working hard to make sure everyone gets the best service we can provide. Sadly, the phone company hasn't been helping us make that any easier, but we do appreciate everyone understanding that we're going above and beyond to make sure the impact of our phone problem doesn't affect our goal of excellence for every dog with every visit to The dogSpaw. 😁

Tony, Becky, and the whole Spaw crew.


Important Notice for all dogSpaw clients.

We have been experiencing problems with our primary phone service provider since July 4th, and they seem in no hurry to fix the problem. As a result, we will be looking into changing our phone provider in the near future.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and we hope to resolve it very soon. Thank you for your support during this crazy event, and have a great week!

Tony and Becky Chevalier, and the dogSpaw crew.



Parker with triangle top knot

Such a cutie! ❤️❤️❤️

Such a cutie! ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you, Oksana! 🐶🐾


Merry Christmas, little guy.

I often think about what a great staff I have at The DogSpaw. And for my birthday, they gave me this CUTE schnauzer "box...

I often think about what a great staff I have at The DogSpaw. And for my birthday, they gave me this CUTE schnauzer "box" that came with a super-adorable miniature necklace version of itself! I love it!

And I love the gals and guy who work so hard every day at The DogSpaw, making it the very best (totally unbiased opinion HaHaHa! 😝) grooming salon in Arlington! Thank you SO MUCH for all you do Petra, Oksana & Anatoly, Melany, Jocelyn, and Meghan!

I'm looking forward to celebrating a wonderful birthday and to a bright, new future to come!

How cute is this!?!?

How cute is this!?!?

Schnauzer Pillow

Toooo CUTE!!!

Toooo CUTE!!!




Sweet Bella Ramos!!



Thank you for doing a fabulous job on Max yesterday! We were so impressed with how handsome he was when we picked him up. We got his nailed filed as well and I was really impressed with how great they turned out(not sharp anymore!) Thank you for always taking care of my fur babies. 💗


1120 E Bardin Road, Ste 140
Arlington, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 4pm
Tuesday 7am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 7am - 6pm
Friday 7am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm




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