When you are the goodest girl and the massage is great so you are perfect for your first visit to the groomer. #labradorretriever #labrador #bathtime #browneyedgirl #yellowlab #805doggroomers #shedsafely #scrubadub #sanluisobispocounty #puppycutsag #slolabrador #805labrador #slocountygroomers #slocountydogs
I hope everyone feels as good as @bekanomicon and Rambo do today. #labradorretriever #labrador #puppycutsag #dogsofnipomo #805doggroomers #playtime #tuesdayvibes #arroyogrande
If only all the nail trims were this easy. #pitbullsofinstagram #pibblesofinstagram #puppycutsag #sweetgirl #doggroomingsalon #manicure #pitbull #slocountydogs #dogsofslo
Callie came in for a shed safely mud bath with @bekanomicon and as you can see she LOVES her spaw days! #shepherdmix #madramormud #shedless #massagetime #puppycutsAG #slodogs #arroyogrande #comeongethappy #doggrooming
Some dogs REALLY play up the "tiny and helpless" thing to their advantage... #cutethings #chihuahua #tinydogsofinstagram #puppycutsAG #tremblerats #tinydog #slodogs #doggrooming #chihuahuaworld
RAFFLE WINNER TIME! #puppycutsAG CCPAW-Central Coast Partnership for Animal Welfare
Smile! #doodlegroomer #smileforthecamera #doodlesofinstagram #goldendoodlesofinstagram #goldendoodle #doggysmiles #slodogs #puppycutsAG #arroyogrande #centralcoastdoodles