Especially true this time of year.
“There is a tiredness, that cannot be slept away. A weariness, that cannot be refreshed with rest. And when it appears, look straight to your inner child, my friends. She is the energy, you see. She is the spark that lights the lamps within, and when your flames are growing dim, it is she who fires them up once more, with her youthful, effervescent, boundless supply of hope. If she is weary, that little girl, if she is not showing up with her light, you need to treat her better. She wants freedom, wide spaces to run, she wants cake, laughter and fun. She wants to play, my friends, let her play. There is a tiredness that sleep cannot fight, but laughing, in the moonlight, with your feet in the sea…very much can.”
Donna Ashworth
Artwork: 'The Hope' by Laura Makabresku