Looking for a farm destination that is central to North Carolina, you have found us! We are located in Asheboro, NC, not far from the North Carolina Zoological Park!
Currently our farm animals include the following: Highland cows, Valias/black nose sheep, Babydoll sheep, Gotland Sheep, approximately 80 chickens including Silkies, Rhode Island Reds, Bar Rocks, Orpingtons and LegHorns, two Horses, Rusty and Dixie, two Kune Kune 🐽, Basset hounds and one Golden Retriever. Most of our animals are friendly and love the attention of everyone. They are just anticipating your next visit.
We are booking birthday parties for our promotional cost of 100 dollars. That will include two hours of table and barn reservation, access to the animals and fishing. At reserved times we will also offer guided horse rides for an additional cost.
Family and friends farm tours to meet all the animals will also be offered this year by appointment only. Call or text 336-736-5820 for reservations and details.
It is our hope to book groups this year for youth events, church groups, school groups, clubs etc. With adult chaperones, we will offer small group camping for youth groups or families. We are a working farm which is home to our family. Our goal is to honor God first and to share the love of all the animals with you, meanwhile possibly giving your group or family the blessing of breaking away from the stresses of busy life.
Last but not least, we are welcoming farm destination photography this year. When was the last time you were able to get a great family picture? In 2024, we were able to meet several great photographers. We are looking forward to welcoming new faces and visiting with ones we already have relationships with. Call for appointments.
We are a drug and alcohol free zone. These items are not allowed on our farm.
We are looking forward to a great 2025. God bless you! Happy New Year from all of us!