🐾Digging is great enrichment for dogs!If you are worried about your garden, make them a dig pit and let them have fun! Does your dog like to dig? #Enrichment #canineenrichment #digging #dogbehavior
We are so moved by the work Arts For Life does in our community, and we recently learned that their Heartbeat Sessions are starting again! A Heartbeat Session turns a digital recording of a terminal pediatric patient’s heartbeat into the rhythm for a song selected or created by the patient and their family. The song and the heartbeat are recorded together live, with local musicians, at Echo Mountain Recording Studio in Asheville, NC.
For Arts For Life’s budding young musicians and their families, a Heartbeat Session is a one-of-a-kind musical memento; a living legacy inspired by the steady rhythm of a heartbeat. Check out this session and listen carefully for Jesse's Heartbeat. The gifts they give to the patients and their families are so special and it is our privilege to try to use our network to make more of these sessions possible.
Please consider donating to this beautiful project if you are as moved as all of us are.
@porkyandpals Pork Roll rocking Family Dog Mediation for the win!!
Best day ever! Not only did Kim have back to back golden puppy appointments, but they were actually from the same breeder! It made for a very sweet play time for these half siblings 💗💗💗
#thedogdoor #doglegs #beyonddogtraining #ashevillenc #ashevilledogs #dogsofasheville #downtownasheville #dogcityusa #meetyourdog #avl #828isgreat #dogsofinstagram
Here is a sweet moment between behavior consultant Angie with her son Jasper and dog Izzy! 🥰🥰🥰
#thedogdoor #doglegs #asheville #ashevillenc #dogsofasheville #ashevilledogs #wnc #downtownasheville #beyonddogtraining
We had the CUTEST overlap in day train clients yesterday! Astro the Great Dane and Ripple the St. Bernard!! 😍🥰
Poise is beggin’ for more @wildmeadowfarms #bacon #dogcityusa #downtownasheville #dogsofasheville #miniaussie
Dogs and Cats - Considerations for Peace and Harmony in the Household
Shy puppy class! Watch Buffy’s body language change (tan puppy) as Luke starts investigating her and then pursuing her. Angie steps in as she starts retreating to Mom for protection. Seemingly subtle efforts like these make all the difference in your shy puppy’s socialization experiences. #thedogdoor #shypuppy #puppyclass #puppysocialization #forcefree #fearfree #dogbodylanguage #dogbehavior #ashevilledog #ashevilledogtrainer #asheville #828isgreat #downtownasheville #dogcityusa
I simply can't find words to do this justice... but I'll try:)
This little game had been going on for quite a few minutes before I turned my phone on to catch it. This perfectly incredible #shelterdog was adopted from a rural #animalshelter 3 days ago in hopes she could be a #servicedog for this 9 year old boy who struggles tremendously with his #autism, #anxiety, #seizures, #sensoryintegration, and related challenges in a very loud world. He doesn't really have friends. He's in a very different world than most other kids, other people. His family hoped an #autismservicedog could help, and called us for guidance in finding a #rescuedog. What's happened in the last 3 days has been nothing short of a miracle for this child. He's meeting his experiences at home and out of the house differently than ever before with his Dolly. Rather than fearing the sights and sounds in the office and outside with crippling emotion, he's completely engaged with her in merriment and presence. He completely sees her, in a way I can't train people to see their dog- her thoughts, feelings, ideas and needs completely apparent to him. He connects with me on this ground with comfort and enthusiasm. And this angelic perfect creature gives it right back. She sees him and accepts him and engages with him without judgment, with understanding and joy and presence. It brings me to tears watching it.
He asks me, "Can I keep her? Or do we have to take her back to the shelter?" (He knows my approval of her as his service dog candidate will determine the answer).
Telling this little boy, "Yes, she's your dog. She's perfect." and watching him softly approach her and carefully put his arms around her after hearing this is the greatest reward I could ever ask for.