New Year, same Ear Mites! 🐶🐱 Both dogs and cats are susceptible to getting ear mites, which are teeny tiny infectious organisms that resemble microscopic ticks. Ear mites cause intense itching, usually leaving behind a dark and thick discharge resembling coffee grounds, and can lead to secondary infections. The good news: we can easily treat not only ear mites, but other infections your pet may be experiencing. We want nothing but relief and comfort for all of our furry friends! ❤️❤️ Give us a call if you think your pet may benefit from a deeper look in their ears! 😁
Since our doctor is out today, we wanted to take the opportunity to formally introduce DOGtor Toad, the newest Partners Animal Hospital employee!❤️❤️❤️ He has a large skill set, as shown by the video. 😉#partnersanimalhospital #Asheville #dogs #dogtortoad #dogtor
Dr. Frye and Dogtor Toad talk Thanksgiving hazards that you and your pet(s) should avoid! 😉❤️😋 #Thanksgiving #partnersanimalhospitalasheville #asheville #animals #dogtor
Cutie puppy, Pippa, had loads of fun for her first exam with us! 💕🐶🥰🐾 We are open as normal with all of our kitten and puppy vaccines and ready to have just as much fun with your furry baby! 😁 #asheville #vetclinic #dogs #puppy #goldenretriever #wncstrong #partnersanimalhospital #kittens #cute #fun #girlsjustwannahavefun
Sweet kitty Bucket came in recently to get established with us. We had “buckets” of fun and felt all the love with this handsome fella! 😉🐈😻❤️ #asheville #partnersanimalhospital #animal #cats #dogs #vetmed #vets #mountains #blueridgeparkway #bucketsoffun #bucketsoflove #vetclinic
Happy Friday!! Would you rather: vet med edition 🐶🐱What would you rather do??? 🐾#asheville #animalhospital #wouldyourather #vetmed #cats #dog #blueridgemountains #blueridgeparkway #partnersanimalhospital
Happy Friday!!!! ❤️ Our staff dog, Toad, decided to work a day with us. Should we hire him permanently??? 🐸🐾 We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 💙#partnersanimalhospital #asheville #veterinary #vetmed #animals #animalhospital #dogs #cats #blueridgemountains
Happy #FearFreeFriday !!! 😁 These are some of the things we LOVE about our clinic and are excited to offer as Fear Free Veterinary Professionals. Having a #fearfree approach offers your pet a happier experience with staff that are trained to alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress. 🐶🐱We strive to make your pet as comfortable as possible ❤️❤️#partnersanimalhospital #asheville #veterinarian #vetmed #animals #dogs #cats
Happy Friday!! ✨❤️ We made a TikTok account and hope you guys enjoy our debut video. 😉 Comment some ideas you’d like to see from us! 😁 Have a great weekend! 💙🐾
High-fives for a new week! ✋🏻❤️Happy Monday! 🐶 #asheville #partnersanimalhospital #veterinaryclinic #dogs #highfive #cats #monday