NowScheduling Deer Herd Analysis for Mid December to March!
You could have a 150 inch deer on your hunting land and never know it.. Them trophy bucks didn’t get that big being easy to find. Get your herd analysis done before they drop there antlers and you will know exactly.
Attention Hunters, Landowners, and Land managers
Ever wondered how healthy your deer population really is? 🦌 A deer herd analysis can give you the insights you need! It’s perfect for:
✔️ Hunters: Improve buck-to-doe ratios and spot more mature bucks.
✔️ Landowners: Understand deer density and habitat health on your property.
✔️ Managers of Forested Land: See how logging or land changes affect your deer.
Here’s what’s included:
A breakdown of deer population (bucks, does, fawns)
Buck-to-doe ratios & local fawn recruitment rates
Photos of all antlered deer and a video of the entire flight.
Pin point Locations of each deer when found
We conduct a meticulous survey of your property, precisely identifying and locating each deer.
Color-coded pins are used to differentiate between does and bucks, while also identifying other significant wildlife such as bears, coyotes, foxes, and turkeys. The collected data is then exported into Google My Maps and/or OnX, creating a tailored project featuring a satellite image of your property with all pinned wildlife. You will receive a link to access your project, providing reliable information to inform habitat quality improvement or optimize hunting strategies.
📅 Best times for a herd analysis?
Mid-Hunting Season: Many do it during the season to track the impact of harvests, monitor movement patterns, and adjust strategies on the fly.
Late Winter: Evaluate the herd after hunting season and plan habitat improvements.
Late Summer: Analyze before the season to prepare for optimal hunting.
How does it help? A herd analysis gives you the tools to create a healthier, more sustainable deer population and better hunting opportunities while protecting your land for the future.
Curious what’s happening on your property? Let’s get started! 865-507-8909
🦌🦌💲For 300 acres or less it is $600 for buck and doe count with photos of all antlered deer. Anything over 300 acres is $1.50 per acre🦌🦌