Tohoku Nozomi Kennel

Tohoku Nozomi Kennel A family owned small scale preservation breeder with a goal to support the endangered Hokkaido-Ken

It's a good day! Today it was supposed to rain aaalll day, and hasn't even rained once so far. It is really humid though...

It's a good day! Today it was supposed to rain aaalll day, and hasn't even rained once so far. It is really humid though. 💦 But the sun is shining, and the it's good time for a walk with our favorite friends, and maybe a little tussle. Pokku didn't want to go outside though, and is enjoying AC on the sofa instead.
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

"There's a Stranger! Everyone LOOK!"Free or Natural stacks. And the incredibly rare Triple Amazon Guy Stack, when the Am...

"There's a Stranger! Everyone LOOK!"

Free or Natural stacks. And the incredibly rare Triple Amazon Guy Stack, when the Amazon delivery guy perfectly catches all three dogs attention. Unfortunately Pokku looks terrible, having lost most of her coat now. Waji is looking a bit scraggly too, but has only lost a little bit. But look how handsome Kuro is! He's looking and feeling wonderful. We started a gut biome restoration, and it seems to be working well so far. He no longer takes most supplements and additives to his food, and his portion has been reduced to normal, and he is still maintaining a healthy weight. We will know how well it has worked for sure once we retest his gut health in a few weeks.
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

Miss Kitty from across the street is a very confident cat, but she will only very rarely let Pokku approach her.  I don'...

Miss Kitty from across the street is a very confident cat, but she will only very rarely let Pokku approach her. I don't let either of the boys get too close though, because Cats are not potential friends to them.

"I'm a good girl and lay down so I don't look big and scary, like I was taught way back when. But I still think it would probably be fun to chase Miss Kitty though. 🤔" -Pokku

What's that coming up the road!? It's TOBI!! We're all excited to see him and his Person.

"This time I laid down to be small for Tobi, but also I could do a crouch pounce too... if I wanted... Because those are fun.😛" -Waji

"Crouch Pouncing is for when you play with me and Kuro! Tobi is too small." -Pokku

"... What else is coming down the road...?" -Kuro

Do you guys see? Kuro is at full weight and looking so good these days. He also pulls like a freight Train, and stops like a stubborn mule sometimes. We are so glad he's so healthy now. ⭐💯 Also Tall Person found a really cool clock with Kuro and Waji programmed on it. It's so Cute!
#北海道犬  #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

Today was Vet Day! It's not our favorite place, but it is great for getting LOTS  of Good Boy and Good Girl treats! Waji...

Today was Vet Day! It's not our favorite place, but it is great for getting LOTS of Good Boy and Good Girl treats! Waji is still pretty nervous about scary vet people, but I was a Good Girl and showed Waji how being brave and calm makes it easy, and means more delicious treatos! But of course, the office is full of echoes and I like to shout too, so I was not the quietest girl, even though I was otherwise being good! I was definitely good

Waji and I both got vaccinated, (one of them in the snoot!) and I had my teeth checked and got my heart listened to. Then we got all our extra special liver treats and went home. It has been a pretty good day. Too bad for Kuro, he missed out.
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

We are the Three Amigos! But our favorite Amigo is Tall Person! He is so much fun.  When the weather is nice and not too...

We are the Three Amigos! But our favorite Amigo is Tall Person! He is so much fun. When the weather is nice and not too hot, we get to stop and lounge together for a while and enjoy the breeze. It's worth it for giving kisses and wrestling.
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

It's me, Waji!  Our neighbors are so much fun! Tiny Neighbor and her Sister are so easy to reach up and give kisses. Plu...

It's me, Waji! Our neighbors are so much fun! Tiny Neighbor and her Sister are so easy to reach up and give kisses. Plus they are always happy to see us and give us neck scritches and pets. Their Momma also brings Tobi over to visit as well. Pokku says she is too busy to come over, but really I think she is still just shy.

"I'm not shy! I just need to catch a chipmunk. I saw it go down this hole, you know." 🫣 -Pokku
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

Konnichiwa Minna-san! Kuroro desu.  こんにちはみなさん!クロロてす。Today was a little good and a little bad. I have been doing super go...

Konnichiwa Minna-san! Kuroro desu. こんにちはみなさん!クロロてす。Today was a little good and a little bad. I have been doing super good practicing Sit and having fun with the others, but today I accidentally stepped on a bee! Ouch ouch OUCH! My foot hurt so bad. But after a good inspection and an antihistamine, I am doing just fine. Also, my People did an Embark Gut Health test for me last month, and today my results came in. It turns out I was struggling with tummy troubles because I have some bad bacteria in my guts. Now I know what needs to be fixed so I can be in the best health. On a side note, I am now a stable weight at just about 40lb 18kg! I feel so much better and I look good too, if I say so myself. 😉
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

We all went out to a nice park this weekend to meet a fellow Hokkaidoken fan. We had lots of fun walking, sniffing, and ...

We all went out to a nice park this weekend to meet a fellow Hokkaidoken fan. We had lots of fun walking, sniffing, and lots of pooping! Waji and Kuro were great Spokesdogs! Pokku was very cute and also very shouty while she took treats. The boys also got baths this weekends, although only Waji got photos. He turned into a Foxy Muppet during towel time.
#北海道犬  #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

Minna-san Konnichiwa, Kurorou desu. みなさんこんにちは、クロロです!Waji is my best friend. We do almost everything together. Even p*e t...

Minna-san Konnichiwa, Kurorou desu. みなさんこんにちは、クロロです!Waji is my best friend. We do almost everything together. Even p*e time.² But until recently I did not understand how to Sit. Maybe Small Person should say 座ってください?But since I am finally feeling better and very healthy now³ ⁴, I have been learning Sit!⁵ ⁶ We play games with my toys and I get to have fun while I learn. Waji already knows Sit, and he has been going to class to learn other things.⁹ I thought he already knew how to stand and walk!? But he says he gets good snacks in return. He still isn't comfortable with strange people touching him without permission though. I am also a little shy about strangers too. But we will keep working hard. Learning is fun!
#北海道犬  #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

Hey friends! It's been a little while since we shared with you. Talk Person and Small Person have been a little busy, bu...

Hey friends! It's been a little while since we shared with you. Talk Person and Small Person have been a little busy, but they still got some fun photos. We thought we would share what it is like out together. We three are good friends! Pokku likes to dance and try to entice yhe boys to play battle. Waji and Kuro always walk together and really like collecting sticks. But if the weather is nice and something interesting is going on, we all like to sit and watch the world go by.
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

I almost caught a squirrel the other day! It was sitting in the street where it could get hit by a car, so I snuck up on...

I almost caught a squirrel the other day! It was sitting in the street where it could get hit by a car, so I snuck up on it, then chased it up a tree to be safe. But I missed my squirrel friend! I adopted this squirrel bebbie instead. Now I sing it songs and carry it with me. Occasionally I drop it off the sofa if it's being too naughty, but I expect Small Person to pick it up and give it back right away. And when I'm tired I go to my own comfy bed and I lie on top of my squirrel so it doesn't escape. I think I will call it Ritchi.

Small Person: Pokku, that squirrel is not your baby. You only get to keep it as long as you don't destroy it or eat it. But feel free to keep doing cute things. (Plus I have about 10 more if that one falls apart.)

*** The boys' adventures will be posted later.
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

Sigh… we pointed out this change last summer, largely to deaf ears. Now it has come to pass, and the damage will probabl...

Sigh… we pointed out this change last summer, largely to deaf ears. Now it has come to pass, and the damage will probably be harsh for the at-risk and endangered breeds. The best time to start socializing puppies to their new homes is in around 8-12 weeks. By 6 months an unsocialized pup is going to be closing itself off to changes. It won’t handle new experiences, and all the training it will have missed when it could learn and absorb earlier, will be a huge impediment. This adversely affects breeders of endangered breeds everywhere. Without a broader literal world of conservation homes to place puppies in, they simply won’t be able to produce the needed puppies to keep the breed going, and those looking for new blood/expanded genetics will have a much more difficult time gaining access.

Note: we are not at all against Health and Safety restrictions for dogs and pets coming into the country from high risk and/or rabies endemic countries. But there is no actual benefit to restricting puppies from low risk or rabies free countries. This directly adversely effects the sociability of any young dog that is imported, adversely impacts the costs for both the importer and exporter, since a puppy is much smaller to ship, and breeders will now have to house the pup for at least 4 months longer than they normally would. It also, and perhaps most importantly adversely affects families that are trying to bring their pets home. This is especially problematic for expats and military families, and may, depending on restrictions, also affect service and working animals as well.

Starting on August 1, all dogs entering the U.S. (including those that left the U.S. and are returning, and regardless of the country they are coming from) must be:
• healthy upon arrival
• at least 6 months of age
• microchipped
• accompanied by a CDC Dog Import Form receipt and required vaccination and veterinary documents.

Additional requirements may apply depending on where the dog has been in the last 6 months and whether or not the dog was vaccinated in the United States.

Use CDC’s Q&A tool (the CDC “DogBot”) to determine what rules apply to your dog:

Hi there. It's me, Waji!  Yesterday was super fun! On weekends, Pokku, Kuro, and I can all play together in the Thunderd...

Hi there. It's me, Waji! Yesterday was super fun! On weekends, Pokku, Kuro, and I can all play together in the Thunderdome. Pokku and I love wrestling and talking smack to each other. I love rolling around in the dirt, and Pokku pretends she will smother me. It's so much fun!! Kuro usually gets bored though, so he helped Tall Person with weeding... or at least helped point out all the weeds he wanted to eat. But later on, He and I did a big recall run on our evening walk, and some tussling afterwards. It was a great day.
#北海道犬  #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

Today I almost caught a Chipmunk. It went down this hole while Small Person was photographing her flowers. I don't care ...

Today I almost caught a Chipmunk. It went down this hole while Small Person was photographing her flowers. I don't care that I was in the way. I really wanted that chippy! Ugh... It got away, and I'm too tired to keep going anymore. 😮‍💨
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

My Conformation Teacher got some nice screen caps of Waji and I (Small person) during class. Waji is doing most of the w...

My Conformation Teacher got some nice screen caps of Waji and I (Small person) during class. Waji is doing most of the work, and I’m not particularly helpful but he’s almost relaxed and got a decent stack in them. Also, OMG his legs keep growing! I added the natural stack photos (without wonky cropping this time) of Kuro and Pokku for comparison. We’re going for a second round of classes so Waji can keep getting more comfortable with handling and used to judging and maybe Tall Person and I will start improving too.
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

It's time for the Royal Rumble!!! Pokku being the beautiful princess she is would never... Nevermind, it's time for a Ta...

It's time for the Royal Rumble!!! Pokku being the beautiful princess she is would never... Nevermind, it's time for a Take Down! She's the Queen! Girl vs. Boys! But when it's time to "Break" everyone calms down and relaxes with Tall Person.

No Doggos or Persons were harmed in the taking of these photos. All dogs are playing, and if any onedog was a bit too rough, the others would appropriately correct them for their transgressions (coughWajicough). If things were getting too out of control Small and Tall Person were on hand to break things up, if necessary.
#北海道犬 #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会

Testing testing... will this go back to the Tozomi Kennel Page?                                               #北海道犬   #道...

Testing testing... will this go back to the Tozomi Kennel Page?
#北海道犬  #道犬 #日本犬 #アイヌ犬 #天然記念物北海道犬保存会 #北海道犬保存会


Atlanta, GA


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