#PuppySocialization at Common Companion Vet Co. returns April 1 (nope this isn’t an #AprilFoolsPrank 🤡)! Come to our supervised play hour and get some tips of some #puppytraining and #basicobedience 🐶 #atl #atlantadogsofinstagram #atlantadogsofinstagram #atldogs #atlantadogtrainer #atldogs #atlantadogtraining #commoncompanionvet #commoncompanion #dogs #dogsofatl #dogsofatlanta #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogsofinstagram #puppy #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofatlanta #peachtreedogtraining #atlantavets #reynoldstown #reynoldstownatl #play #playtime #obediencetraining #april #socialization
Nope this ain’t #AprilFools 🌸 - our next #PlayandTrain at Wagging Tails Doggie Daycare and Boarding is coming this spring! Enroll your pup to secure their spot - we start April 1 and graduate May 6! Registration link in bio and our site! 🐕 #atl #atlanta #atlantadogsofinstagram #atlanta #atldogs #atlantadogtraining #atlantadogtrainer #april #spring #springtime #dogs #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogsofatl #dogsofatlanta #dogdaycare #doggydaycare #dogsplaying #dogsofinstagram #puppy #peachtreedogtraining #waggingtails #waggingtailsdaycare #westmidtownatl
Levi is a 6 month old #puppy who has learned some basic commands and improved on his puppy nipping already. But since hitting adolescence, he is struggling with leash pulling, jumping, snatching things (and not dropping them!) and general impulse control. To ensure Levi gets the exercise he needs and quality bonding time with his mom in walks, we’re going to introduce some new commands and get some leash manners instilled! Stay tuned on Levi’s journey! #atl #atlanta #atlantadogs #atlantadogsofinstagram #atldogs #atlantadogtrainer #atlantadogtraining #dogs #dogsofinstagram#dogsofatl #dogsofatlanta #dogtraining #dogtrainer #leashtraining #peachtreedogtraining #puppytrainer #puppytraining #minigoldendoodle #minigoldendoodlesofinstagram #minigoldendoodlepuppy #southfulton #southfultonga #leaveit #dropit #heel #staytuned
Bandit working on Leave It & Touch during #PlayandTraik at @luckyandlady_atl! We’ll be starting a new series in spring so if you need your pup to socialize and learn some obedience, look out for our enrollment! #atl #atlanta #atlantadogs #atlantadogsofinstagram #atlantadogtrainer #atlantadogtraining #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogsofatlanta #dogsofatl #peachtreedogtraining #daycaretraining #doggydaycare #luckyandlady #madisonyards #reynoldstown #reynoldstownatl #leaveit #touch #goodboy
Joy really lives up to her name - she is so friendly that she forgets that jumping and running can be a problem, especially around little grandkids! We’ve been working on her greeting manners, obedience and also setting boundaries. Place has been a great tool to work on her impulse control, and her mom uses it to guide Joy when others might need space. #atl #atlanta #atlantadogs #atlantadogtrainer #atlantadogtraining #atldogs #dogs #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogsofinstagram #dogsofatl #dogsofatlanta #peachtreedogtraining #joy #staffy #staffymix #staffordshirebullterrier #staffordshire #druidhills #buckhead #obediencetraining #place #gotoplace
Don’t worry, we always make sure get the treats they deserve! 😃 ANNNNDDD we also make sure treats don’t become a dependency in training where dogs overeat or will only take a bribe for good behavior! Being a #dogtrainer though, we always want to reward when we can, and we can do that with treats, or just praise and affection! Great job Stella for kicking butt this week at Wagging Tails Doggie Daycare and Boarding #PlayandTrain 😍.#atlanta #atldogs #atlantadogs #atlantadogtrainer #atlantadogtraining #atlantadogdaycare #dogsofinstagram #dogsofatl #dogs #dogsofatlanta #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogdaycare #place #stay #peachtreedogtraining #waggingtails #westmidtownatl #westmidtown #westmidtownatlanta #atlanticstation
Happy Thursday!
Another round of this or that, this time we are doing dog sports! Comment below 🤍
We have fun at #PuppySocialization at Common Companion Vet Co.😄 Look out for a springtime #puppytraining and socialization series! 🌼 #atlanta #atlantapuppies #atlantadogs #dogtraining #dogtrainer #puppytrainer #atlantadogtrainer #atlantadogtraining #puppies #playtime #peachtreedogtraining #reynoldstown #commoncompanionvet #madisonyardsatl #madisonyards #goldendoodlepuppy
Happy Friday!
Comment below which breed group you prefer!
Happy Friday!
Another This or That for the week, comment below on which you prefer! 🖤
Happy Friday!
Which breed group do you prefer?
Congrats to Bailey (& our other #PlayandTrain #graduates 🐕)! We’re bringing our beloved #daycaretraining back to @luckyandlady_atl in February! Will we meet your pup then? 😉 Visit our website to enroll! #atl #atlanta #atlantadogs #atlantadogtrainer #atlantadogtraining #atldogs #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsofatlanta #dogsofatl #peachtreedogtraining #luckyandlady #doggiedaycare #atlantadogdaycare #dogdaycare #dogsplaying #reynoldstown #reynoldstownatl #madisonyards