BREAKING News... Northeast Florida stay turn to huge DRAMA developing with our majestic Sea Turtles on Amelia Island & Nassau County... Big Announcement today y'all!
Happy Halloween from the beach everybody! Hope all of the kiddos has a safe & great one. 🎃
Our founder Casey Jones was on NBC channel 12 News a week or so ago talking about our majestic Sea Turtle because the season just started at the beginning of May. Please help me by signing my Nassau County sea turtle petition please. Here is the link...
#nassaucountyfl #NoMoreKilling #DoTheRightThings #HelpUsHelpThem #stopthebabySeaTurtlesfromdying
#FloridaSeaTurtleWatch #cleandarkflat #seaturtle #FWC #lightpollution #dep #SeaTurtlelivesmatter #concerncitizen #CaseyJones #TMNT #bethatonepercent #savetheseaturtles #FSTW #lighting #florida #beachlife #ameliaisland #welivewhereyouvacation #AISTW #ameliaislandseaturtlewatch #mncgast #SeaTurtlelivesmatter #leavenotrace #theyarecryingoutbutnobodycanhearthem
Somebody called me a "Troublemaker" & "must Love Stirring the Pot!" Well you decide. "Making big Waves" in Nassau County & shining a light on the dangers of #lightpollution. All I did is speak the #truth & #facts about their Lighting Ordinance. Unfortunately a few of them got very upset at me... But please watch it & let me know what u think about my message & delivery? Then let me know if u think it was professional & on point or not please? Why did a few of them get so mad at me? I truly don't understand. Do the right thing NC & update the Ordinance upto FWC guidelines. If u agree with me HELP by signing our petition on NC. Here is the petition. Make a stand NC!
#FloridaSeaTurtleWatch #nassaucountyfl #dotherightthing #SeaTurtlelivesmatter #stopthebabySeaTurtlesfromdying #FWC #beach #concerncitizen #CaseyJones #TMNT #bethatonepercent #dep #lighting #savetheseaturtles #FSTW #seaturtle
This is a baby Leatherback Sea Turtle hatchling about to male his/ her first swim of their life!
Leatherback are the largest living sea turtle in the Ocean. They can weigh in at between 550 and 2,000 pounds with lengths of up to six feet, the leatherback is a huge turtle. Leatherback sea turtles can be distinguished from other species of sea turtle by its lack of a hard shell or scales.
#FloridaSeaTurtleWatch #Leatherback #seaturtles #FWC #lightpollution #concerncitizen #CaseyJones #bethatonepercent #savetheseaturtles #cleandarkflat #DEP #protector #fillinthesandcastles #FSTW
This was when our flounder Casey Jones was interviewed on the news about a Sea Turtle nest that hatched & every one of the baby hatchlings Sea Turtles went the wrong way & into the 2 parking lots, a condo pool & walking down 1st street in Jax Beach Florida because of Light Pollution. This is one of his best quotes ever in his Sea Turtle life!
#LightPollution #FloridaSeaTurtleWatch #jaxbeach #CleanDarkFlat #LeaveNoTrace #FWC #bethatonepercent #concernCitizen #CaseyJones #TMNT #beachlife #SeaTurtles #Loggerhead #SeaTurtlelivesmatter #DEP #SeaTurtle #savetheseaturtles #makeadifference #seaturtlelife #stopthebabySeaTurtlesfromdying
BREAKING News...the City of Jax Beach finally pass the new Sea Turtle Light Pollution law & they did it UNANIMOUSLY last night!!! This is huge for our local Sea Turtles that call our beaches there home in North Florida! So listen to the short 5 minute video please. Thank u to everybody that took the time out of your busy day & signed our 100k petition. Couldn't have done it without u. Very proud moment for me & our little group at Florida Sea Turtle Watch. A lot of hard work that took over 2 years to get passed but we did it!! Special thanks to my wife Debbie Jones plus Mike & Chris that works for the city of JB for helping get this done.
#LightPollution #SeaTurtlelivesmatter #FWC #bethatonepercent #concernCitizen #CaseyJones #TMNT #SeaTurtle #FSTW #stopthebabySeaTurtlesfromdying #DEP #FloridaSeaTurtleWatch #beachlife #SeaTurtles
Making a big difference here in North Florida for our majestic Sea Turtles in our area! We make the local news. The City of Jax Beach is finally doing the right thing. It's amazing what happens when u get 133k signatures for your Jax Beach Sea Turtle petition. They're changing their illegal lights by the shoreline & is updating the Lighting Ordinance to be FWC compliant. Florida Sea Turtle Watch is doing great things in the area of North Florida!
#LightPollution #SeaTurtlelivesmatter #FWC #bethatonepercent #concernedcitizen #CaseyJones #TMNT #beachlife #DEP #stopthebabyseaturtlefromdying
STOP Littering... Balloons don't end up in Heaven people! This group even drove to the beach to do it yesterday in Mickler's Landing Beach. Why is this still happening? SMH!
Not only does this kill Sea Turtles but also whales, dolphins & all sorts of marine life can ingest them, get tangled up in attached ribbons, etc. If it goes inland it can also injure & kill other animals.
Who is ready for the season? Some of the coolest pumpkin carvings I've ever seen! 🎃