Today, Silver Lining Equestrian Center is acknowledging 4 of our girls who are spending this Christmas break either celebrating recent accomplishments or looking forward to some thrilling new adventures in the Spring of 2025! We couldn’t be prouder of these amazing riders and the dreams they’re destined to accomplish. Keep shining, ladies!
Emma Suess is a name that everyone at the barn knows well. This sweet girl has put countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears into SLEC’s lesson program and her own riding journey as both a student trainer and an intercollegiate rider. We are so excited to see how she flourishes in the Spring of 2025 as she finishes her business degree in her hometown of Asheville, NC at App State. Barn members of all ages are going to miss you so dearly, Emma. We love you, and sincerely appreciate your years of dedication to the young riders and community of the SLEC family. We know you are going to do so well and you will ALWAYS have a home with us!!
Ella Dreaden has had an incredible last couple of weeks with some MASSIVE life updates. On Saturday, December 14th, Ella not only graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Agricultural Science, but also got ENGAGED to ! Luckily for us, Ella will be staying in Auburn, where she will be leading the SLEC lesson program! We are pumped to have her as such a big part of our team for the busiest time of the year. Congratulations, Ella, and let’s rock the spring together!
Ashley Costello, one of our stellar sophomore riders, also has a big spring upcoming! She will be joining the team with our close friend, Shannon Riley! As a dedicated working student with Shannon’s coaching, she and Bo are sure to become the best versions of themselves in the show ring. We are going to miss you this semester, Ashley, but we are looking forward to seeing you around Area III over the next few months and hearing about all of your fun adventures!
We can’t forget about another engagement in the SLEC family, which belongs to Emily Kuras! She and had this special moment on December 14th as well! Such an exciting day for SLEC— congratulations Emily!!