To all our park users and dog lovers, please listen up:
Although Ashley Memorial dog Park operates solely on contributions from you, our park users, the land is owned by Auburn Recreation District, under whose sole aegis we are allowed to operate.
ARD has the exclusive authority to decide when to close and reopen the park. Closures almost always follow heavy rains that create standing water, resulting in a muddy and destructive mess when/if dogs are allowed to run on the wet turf. If the park never closes for these reasons, we would have a dirt park with no green turf whatsoever, like many other dog parks that never close.
Please, Please, PLEASE...do NOT make angry calls to ARD or confront their maintenance workers with complaints about closures. DON'T shoot the messengers--they are only doing their jobs.
It is because of our closures that we enjoy the reputation of being the most beautiful dog park in Northern California.
The alternative action from ARD, should they continue to be harassed, would likely be seasonal closures, which we do NOT want.
We discourage aggressive dogs...AND aggressive people! Please don't ruin the enjoyment of Ashley Memorial Dog Park for all those who count on us being open for their loved pets.