LoCo Fish is an aquarium maintenance and consulting company based out of Austin, Tx owned and managed by Logan Conley. I have been in the aquarium hobby for 15 years, and professionally for 3 years. Experienced in freshwater African cichlids, mixed communities, large or small reefs, and fowlr systems. I personally favor the clowns, and have a collection of designer clownfish morphs at home. LoCo F
ish offers services to residential and commercial clients as far north as Georgetown and as far south as San Marcos. Aquarium Maintenace: single visits, bi-weekly, monthly, or emergency situations. Include but not limited to; standard cleaning; comprehensive water testing, 10-50% water change, overall algae scrub and removal, equipment check, skimmer/filtration/socks/sponge cleaning or changing (as needed), fw gravel vacuum, fw decorative rock and plant bleaching swapped out each visit, medical fish diagnostic, balancing or dosing of supplements, replenishment of any automated feeders or auto water top offs. Overall wipe down of external equipment and glass upon completion. Consulting Visits- Suggestions and advice for upgrades, fish stock list, coral fragging, equipment part replacement, and aquascaping. Beginner Fish aquarium maintenance break down and lessons also offered. Looking for something in particular related to the hobby? No aquarium too big or too small, references available upon request. Competetive pricing and limited availability, so schedule your visit today!