We've been so wonderfully blessed over the years, because of the love of all our pets, to have met people from literally every walk of life and every diverse segment of what makes life "tick". I'm friends with many people on my personal FB page, and here's what we're NOT gonna do.
If we have had a disagreement or difference of opinion in "real life" conversations or more accurately, your pointed political posts in opposition of my own, which have led to blocking you from that profile, we are not going to tolerate your coming to the business page to send me "personal" messages that can only be construed as a position on what you think my life represents. I've blocked you from this one too, but should you prevail somehow and continue, not only will I report you to ALL available authorities both online and in "reality", but I will put your name up here and on my personal page so big and bright along with your text history so that YOUR customers, friends, and family can see what you're capable of.
This is your only warning shot - do not expect any other response to met with full cannons.