River City Aquatics

River City Aquatics Welcome to River City Aquatics! An Austin Homegrown retail aquarium shop specializing in marine reefs

New livestock arrived. Just in time to add some new colorful fish and corals for Turkey Day next week.Bicolor AngelsSing...

New livestock arrived. Just in time to add some new colorful fish and corals for Turkey Day next week.

Bicolor Angels
Singapore Angels
Coral Beauty Angels
Flame Angels
Japanese Swallowtail Angel (female)
Scopas Tangs
Naso Tangs
Blue Eye Kole Tangs
Tomini Tangs
Sailfin Tangs
Chocolate Tang (adult)
Lawnmower Blennies
Bicolor Blennies
Leopard Blenny
Bicolor Chromis
Kupang Damsels
Metallic Yellowbelly Damsels
Yellow Tail Damsels
Springeri Damsels
Green Mandarin Gobies
Rainford Gobies
Twinspot Signal Gobies
Copperband Butterflies
Foxface Rabbits
Bangaii Cardinals
Dogface Puffer
Eclipse Hogfish
Yellow Coris Wrasses
Harlequin Sweetlips
Squarespot Anthias
Banana Fish
Tigertail Cucumbers
Caribbean Cucumbers
Chocolate Chip Stars
Sand Sifting Stars
Tuxedo Urchins
Heart Urchins
Pink Pincushion Urchins
Collector Urchins
Sea Hares
Coral Banded Shrimp
Peacock Mantis Shrimp (lg)
Peppermint Shrimp
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Halloween Hermit Crabs
Porcelain Crabs
Money Cowries
Fighting Conchs
Orange Slipper Lobsters

New arrivals:Ocellaris ClownsBlack Ocellaris ClownsBlack Snowflake ClownsSnowflake ClownsGladiator ClownsOnyx Picasso Cl...

New arrivals:

Ocellaris Clowns
Black Ocellaris Clowns
Black Snowflake Clowns
Snowflake Clowns
Gladiator Clowns
Onyx Picasso Clowns
Royal Grammas
Blue Leg Hermits
Emerald Crabs
Cerith Snails
Astrea Snails
Margarita Snails
Ghost Shrimp SW/FW

New arrivals:Pinkspot Watchman GobiesRed Coris WrassesBluethroat TriggerBig Eye SquirrelfishValentine PuffersFirefish Go...

New arrivals:

Pinkspot Watchman Gobies
Red Coris Wrasses
Bluethroat Trigger
Big Eye Squirrelfish
Valentine Puffers
Firefish Gobies
Neon Gobies
Heniochus Butterflies
Threadfin Butterfly
Copperband Butterfly
Clown Tangs
Foxface Rabbits
Sailfin Tangs
Bicolor Chromis
Yellowtail Damsels
Bangaii Cardinals
Rainford Gobies
Scissortail Gobies
Zebra Bar Gobies
Yellow Coris Wrasses
Sixline Wrasses
Chocolate Chip Stars
Tiger Sand Conchs
Aussie Lobos
Aussie Platygyras

New arrivals:Flame HawksPajama CardinalsPowder Blue TangsDiamond Sleeper GobiesAiptasia Eating FilefishFourline Cleaner ...

New arrivals:

Flame Hawks
Pajama Cardinals
Powder Blue Tangs
Diamond Sleeper Gobies
Aiptasia Eating Filefish
Fourline Cleaner Wrasse
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Mexican Turbo Snails
Tonga Nassarius Snails
Black Margarita Snails
Red Leg Hermits

New arrivals:Porcupine PuffersClown TangsSquarespot Anthias M/FGreen Mandarin GobiesPowder Brown TangKleins ButterfliesC...

New arrivals:

Porcupine Puffers
Clown Tangs
Squarespot Anthias M/F
Green Mandarin Gobies
Powder Brown Tang
Kleins Butterflies
Chocolate Tangs
Green Chromis
Sixline Wrasses
Banggai Cardinals
Zebra Gobies
Lawnmower Blennies
Copperband Butterfly
Lyretail Anthias
Dispar Anthias
Half Black Mimic Tang
Emerald Crabs
Porcelain Crabs
Slipper Lobster
Blue Leg Hermits
Brown Leg Hermits
Mantis Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Pin Cushion Urchins
Mexican Cat Eye Snails
Astrea Snails
Trochus Snails
Electric Blue Knuckle Hermits

New livestock arrivals:Chocolate Mimic Tang (adult)Orange Shoulder Tang (adult)Foxface RabbitsFuzzy Dwarf LionsScissorta...

New livestock arrivals:

Chocolate Mimic Tang (adult)
Orange Shoulder Tang (adult)
Foxface Rabbits
Fuzzy Dwarf Lions
Scissortail Gobies
Zebra Bar Gobies
Bangaii Cardinals
Black Bar Chromis
Porcupine Puffer
Spiney Box Puffer
Sixline Wrasses
Slippery Richard Wrasses
Atlantic Cowfish
Molly Miller Blenny
Halloween Hermits
Blue Leg Hermits
Green Emerald Crabs
Sponge Crabs
Frilly Arrow Crabs
Orange Slipper Lobsters
Peppermint Shrimp
Fu Manchu Shrimp
Sexy Shrimp
Tigertail Cucumbers
Caribbean Cucumbers
Pink Pincushion Urchins
Serpent Stars
Trochus Snails
Nassarius Snails (sm & lg)
Astrea Snails

We will be closing early at 5 pm today to enjoy the festive evening with the kiddos. Normal hours resume tomorrow. Have ...

We will be closing early at 5 pm today to enjoy the festive evening with the kiddos. Normal hours resume tomorrow. Have a safe Halloween!

New livestock:Clown TangsScopas TangsPowder Brown TangsFoxface RabbitsOrange Spotted RabbitTarget Mandarin GobiesGreen M...

New livestock:

Clown Tangs
Scopas Tangs
Powder Brown Tangs
Foxface Rabbits
Orange Spotted Rabbit
Target Mandarin Gobies
Green Mandarin Gobies
Two Spot Signal Gobies
Rainford Gobies
Steinitz Gobies
Bluespot Watchman Gobies
Pinkspot Watchman Gobies
Green Chromis
Lawnmower Blennies
Porcupine Puffer
Yellow Coris Wrasses
Carpenter Flasher Wrasses
Royal Pencil Wrasses
Valentine Puffers
Eiblii Angel
Japanese Swallowtail Angel
Firetail Devil Dottyback
Bicolor Blennies
Squarespot Anthias (males and females)
Sally Lightfoot crabs
Blue Lobster
Tiger Cowries
Electric Blue Hermits
Sea Hares
Green Emerald Crabs
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Trochus Snails
Astrea Snails
Mexican Turbo Snails
Red Leg Hermits
Scarlet Hermits
Blue Leg Hermits
Freshwater Feeder Ghost Shrimp

New arrivals:Blue Hippo Tangs 2"Blue DamselsSpringeri DamselsPowder Blue TangCleaner WrassesYellow Watchman GobiesCanary...

New arrivals:

Blue Hippo Tangs 2"
Blue Damsels
Springeri Damsels
Powder Blue Tang
Cleaner Wrasses
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Canary Blennies
Panther Grouper 2"
Valentine Puffer
Picasso Trigger
Sea Hares
Harlequin Shrimp Pair
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Blood Fire Shrimp

New livestock arrivals:Achilles Tang (~7-8")Sailfin TangsTomini Tangs (~2")Bristletooth TangsCoral Beauty AngelsBlack Vo...

New livestock arrivals:

Achilles Tang (~7-8")
Sailfin Tangs
Tomini Tangs (~2")
Bristletooth Tangs
Coral Beauty Angels
Black Volitan Lions
Marine Betta
Harlequin Sweetlips
Tailspot Blennies
Hector Gobies
Highfin Gobies
Bangaii Cardinals
Talbots Damsles
Foxface Rabbits
Bicolor Chromis
Green Chromis
Metallic Blue and Yellow Damsels
Banana Fish
Dwarf Zebra Lions
Falco Hawk
Yellow Coris Wrasses
Purple Pseudochromis
Sixline Wrasses
Royal Grammas
Green Emerald Crabs
Anemone Crabs
Peppermint Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Sexy Shrimp
Margarita Snails
Cerith Snails
Astrea Anails
Flame Scallops
Humpback Conches
Tuxedo Urchins
Chocolate Chip Stars
Malaysian Joker Torches
Orange Superman Rhodactis Mushrooms
Heliofungia Plate

New arrivals:Japanese Swallowtail Angel PairCoral Beauty AngelsBlue Jaw Trigger MaleYellow Mimic TangsBlack Back Butterf...

New arrivals:

Japanese Swallowtail Angel Pair
Coral Beauty Angels
Blue Jaw Trigger Male
Yellow Mimic Tangs
Black Back Butterflies
Harlequin Sweetlips
Firefish Gobies
Engineer Gobies
Yellowtail Damsels
Scopas Tangs
Green Chromis
Cleaner Wrasses
Sixline Wrasses
Dog Face Puffer
Sexy Shrimp
Electric Blue Hermits
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Nassarius Snails
Bumblebee Snails
Blue Spiny Lobster

New arrivals:Watanabe Angel Pair (beautiful!)Blue Hippo TangAiptasia Eating FilefishHighfin GobiesYellow Watchman Gobies...

New arrivals:

Watanabe Angel Pair (beautiful!)
Blue Hippo Tang
Aiptasia Eating Filefish
Highfin Gobies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Zebra Dwarf Lion
Dusky Jawfish
Porcupine Puffer
Ocellaris Clowns
Black Ocellaris Clowns
Black Snowflake Clowns
Gladiator Clowns
Snow Storm Clowns
Picasso Clowns
Blacker Ice Clowns
Fire Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Mexican Turbo Snails
Astrea Snails
Bumblebee Snails
Star Astrea Snails
Catseye Snails
Nassarius Snails (tiny)
Arrow Crab
Pithos Crabs
Emerald Crabs
Red Leg Hermits
Blue Leg Hermits
Pygmy Octopus

New arrivals:Kleini ButterfliesHeniochus ButterfliesPyramid ButterfliesLongnose ButterfliesCoral Beauty AngelCrown Squir...

New arrivals:

Kleini Butterflies
Heniochus Butterflies
Pyramid Butterflies
Longnose Butterflies
Coral Beauty Angel
Crown Squirrelfish
Harlequin Sweetlips
Powder Brown Tangs
Grey Trigger
Dragon Gobies
Orange Shoulder Tang
Lawnmower Blennies
Green Mandarins
Clown Tang
Green Chromis
Bicolor Chromis
Valentini Puffers
Scopas Tangs
Three Lined Wrasses
Sixline Wrasses
Sea Hares
Nassarius Snails
Chocolate Chip Starfish
Halloween Hermits
Red Leg Hermits
Multicolor Urchins
Tuxedo Urchins
Money Cowries
Yellow Brittle Starfish

We still have some Peppermint Shrimp available. These are great for removing those pesky aiptasia anemones. Availability...

We still have some Peppermint Shrimp available. These are great for removing those pesky aiptasia anemones. Availability has been limited, so grab them while you can.

New arrivals:Diamond Sleeper GobiesGold Midas BlennyOrange Spot BlennyEmperor Angel (juvie)Orange Spot Guttata GobyNiger...

New arrivals:

Diamond Sleeper Gobies
Gold Midas Blenny
Orange Spot Blenny
Emperor Angel (juvie)
Orange Spot Guttata Goby
Niger Trigger (small)
Pintail Fairy Wrasse
Ruby Longfin Fairy Wrasse
Tomini Tang ~2.5"
Blue Eye Kole Tangs
Royal Grammas
Atlantic Pygmy Angels
Fire Shrimp
Green Bubbletip Anemones
Green Emerald Crabs
Pink Pincushion Urchins
Mexican Turbo Snails
Margarita Snails
Cerith Snails
Astrea Snails
Red Leg Hermits
Ghost Shrimp

Fresh frags for your Friday. We have corals for every reefer's budget.

Fresh frags for your Friday. We have corals for every reefer's budget.

New arrivals:Rock Beauty AngelCherub AngelsCoral Beauty AngelsBicolor AngelsKoran AngelOcellated Scooter BlenniesTwin Ba...

New arrivals:

Rock Beauty Angel
Cherub Angels
Coral Beauty Angels
Bicolor Angels
Koran Angel
Ocellated Scooter Blennies
Twin Bar Rabbits
Fu Manchu Lion
Giant Sweetlips
Sailfin Tangs
Yellow Flank Fairy Wrasses
Unicorn Tang
Hippo Tang
Orange Stripe Bristletooth Tangs
Two Tone Wrasse
Carpenters Wrasses
Lopezi Unicorn Tang
Brevirostris Unicorn Tang
Yellow Clown Goby
Scissortail Gobies
Target Mandarins
Yellow Coris Wrasses
Marble Wrasse
Royal Grammas
Porcupine Puffer
Halloween Hermits
Porcelain Crabs
Violet Eye Swimming Crabs
Tuxedo Urchins
Nassarius Snails
Blue Leg Hermits
Red Leg Hermits
Arrow Crabs
Emerald Crabs
Coral Banded Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Astrea Snails
Red Serpent Star

New arrivals late yesterday:Flame AngelsCitron GobiesYellow Clown GobiesYellow Watchman GobiesRainford GobiesStrawberry ...

New arrivals late yesterday:

Flame Angels
Citron Gobies
Yellow Clown Gobies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Rainford Gobies
Strawberry Pseudochromis
Pajama Cardinals
Two Bar Rabbits
Blue Hippo Tang (tiny)
Powder Blue Tang
Naso Tangs (~3")
Harlequin Tusk (~2")
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Green Brittle Stars
Tiger Sand Conchs
Black Margarita Snails


12108 Roxie Drive Ste. A
Austin, TX

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 7pm




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