Jackson and Clara’s puppies are five weeks now. They are starting to show their individual personalities 🥰. It’s a fine litter of four males and seven females. Pm me if you have interest. They are ready mid October.
Jiggs, Chips, Radar and Boomer love playing in the tall grass. Pm me if interested. They are available and ready now.
Beautiful day for a puppy run!
These littles from Traveler and Suzie's litter are enjoying their days here at Meadowland Springers with their littermates. It is with gratitude and a sense of wonder for me to watch how just the right people come along for each one of them. They are precious little beings with so much love and devotion to give. Aren't dogs just amazing?
Bo and Clara's litter was whelped on 8.25.23 These puppies are amazing and, so is Clara. She has a large litter of thirteen and is handling it all very well. See my website for more information on Bo, Clara, and these sweet puppies. I am showing the females here, but there are also two males available. www.meadowlandspringers.com
Bo & Clara's puppies are starting to move around more and their eyes are opening. So precious. This is #13 liver and white female.
#13 was just adopted into a wonderful family. So happy about that!
Bo & Clara's puppies are starting to move around more and their eyes are opening. So precious. This is #10 liver and white female.
Bo & Clara's puppies are starting to move around more and their eyes are opening. So precious. This is #9 liver and white female.
Bo & Clara's puppies are starting to move around more and their eyes are opening. So precious. This is #8 liver and white female.
Bo & Clara's puppies are starting to move around more and their eyes are opening. So precious. This is #7 liver and white female.
#7 has a home of her own. Not surprising. What a cutie she is!
#6 liver and white female
Bo & Clara's puppies are starting to move around more and their eyes are opening. So precious. This is #6 liver and white female.
These pups are ready for new homes. Just turning out to be gorgeous with that exceptional temperament you can expect from Traveler's bloodline. I am ready to see them get placed very soon, so if you have interest, let me know. (Four of these are now available. The one with the most white on his back is placed.)