✨Calcium is an absolutely critical nutrient to ensure you are feeding enough of. Calcium deficiency during growth can at the very least cause growth deformities but it can also cause a very painful death. I have actually talked with multiple vets who have witnessed the latter.
✨Blood calcium testing is not an accurate indication of dietary calcium levels. Your dog requires a certain level of calcium in their blood to perform bodily functions. When there is not enough dietary calcium to keep levels within this range, PTH will stimulate bone resorption. This means that you won't see signs of a nutritional deficiency until there is no calcium left to resorb.
✨In the past month alone, I have provided formulations for 3 dogs eating a homemade diet that provided less than 10% of their daily calcium requirements. It is extremely important to note that multivitamins will NEVER meet these requirements unless they are formulated as a meal completer. All 3 of these owners assumed that a multi would balance their meals. (They are all thriving now!)
✨Cottage cheese, goat's milk, bone broth and leafy veggies are all foods that I commonly see recommended for calcium. While they do provide some, the amount needed to meet a dog's requirements is not feasible. Better options include calcium carbonate, eggshell, seaweed calcium, raw bones, and bone meal. Of course, these all must be balanced with the entire meal!