The Friends of the EAAA Furry Friends Food Bank is a project of the Green Acres Kennel Shop and The Woof Meow Show. Green Acres (1653 Union St., Bangor, ME) serves as a year-round drop-off point for people who wish to donate pet food to the Furry Friends Food Bank. Additionally, in November of every year they also hold a fundraiser for the food bank. All funds raised are used to buy pet food, at w
holesale prices, for distribution by the Eastern Area Agency on Aging. In 2014 we raised with $4347 from the community and Green Acres donated an additional $2000 for a total of $6347. The fundraiser is publicized via the Woof Meow Show, a weekly radio show and podcast that focuses on educating people about dogs, cats and our relationships with them. The show airs every Saturday at 7:30AM and every Sunday at 8:30PM on the Voice of Maine (WVOM-103.9FM-Bangor, WVOM-1450AM-Rockland & WVQM 101.3FM-Augusta). Podcasts of the show are released every Sunday evening and can be heard or downloaded at the Apple iTunes store and at our webpage. The show is hosted by Don Hanson and Kate Dutra of the Green Acres Kennel Shop. The Eastern Area Agency on Aging (EAAA) is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization serving Penobscot, Piscataquis, Hancock, and Washington counties dedicated to providing seniors, adults with disabilities and caregivers with a variety of options, opportunities, resources and referrals. ( Their Furry Friends Food Bank distributes pet food to seniors and the disabled that are having a hard time financially and may need to make a difficult choice of feeding themselves or their pet.