Winston shows his owner his new skills and manners out in public. Owners and pup did a great job.
Winston was the bestest boy on his shopping trip. Good job Winnie
Let's give a big congratulations to Haven and her owners for graduating from our Renewed K9 Board and Train Program. This lady learned some new skills but most importantly how to control herself around her family and the kids. Good job beautiful.
Winston working on his leash skills and place command. This guy's doing a good job learning to follow directions. Yay Winnie
This handsome dude would charge doors acting a fool. Now look at him holding place while someone enters the house. Great job Ruger.
Haven working on some obedience and manners around little ones. This lady loves children and is working on controlling herself when they are near.
Miss Sophie and her owners did a great job during their go home lesson. These lessons are so important to the success of the pups and owners. Great job guys.
Sophie working on her recall and sit. Good job lady
Ruger rocked his sessions today. Great job handsome.
Sophie and Haven practicing place with Jovi. Sophie was very interested in the ceiling fan.🤣
Big congratulations to Orion and his owners for graduating from our Renewed K9 Behavior Modification Program. He had some stranger danger and would bark and lunge at the end of his leash. With confidence building and leadership this man and his owners rocked his training.
Sophie did a awesome job working around an other pup and was unfazed by the big dog outside 🤣