Students who have been on a horse
respond immediately to the power and strength of the animal. For the physically, emotionally and mentally challenged individuals, the experience offers a new view on life. Horses are a wonderful medium for relationships and for therapy in a natural environment. Forming a partnership with a thousand pound animal can offer a tremendous sense of freedom and independ
ence for a disabled individual, and can promote feelings of trust and self-worth. Exercises and tasks that would be dreary or considered a “chore” in any other setting, become fun and game-like if they are part of a riding lesson. In fact, there are numerous case histories and increasing numbers of research articles that have documented disabled riders gaining the ability to walk, non-verbal clients speaking their first words, emotionally disabled children gaining the ability to trust again. Many children with learning disabilities show improvements in school while participating in riding programs. Teamwork is a the heart of therapeutic riding with the horse, rider, therapist, instructor, volunteer and family working together to provide a fun, loving and positive environment that cannot be
duplicated in a clinical setting.