Coyote mating season is here. For roughly the next 4 to 6 weeks coyotes will be out and about searching for mates. Coyote mating typically peaks in late February and early March, the gestation period averages 58 to 63 days.
You may see coyotes more than you usually do during the day in wooded areas as well as in neighborhoods and back yards. During this time it is very important to keep a close eye on our pets. Cats should be kept inside if possible, especially during low light hours such as early morning and early evening. Dogs of all sizes should be kept on a leash (retractable leashes not recommended) and closely monitored when out in the yard. As pet owners it is our responsibility to take care of our pets and keep them out of harms way and it is not abnormal for coyotes to protect themselves if threatened. In addition, small dogs can be seen as easy prey for coyotes even in back yards - coyotes can easily clear a 6 foot fence. It is recommended that you go outside with your dog. Before letting your dog out and while he/she is out there, check and even make noise to scare off any coyotes that may be in the area. Even the presence of a person in an enclosed yard may deter a coyote from entering.
For more information regarding coyotes, please visit Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife link:
There is also an educational video presentation on that page as well.
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