Cape Wildlife Center

Cape Wildlife Center Wildlife hospital, education center and community hub! Program of We operate two non-profit wildlife hospitals and education Centers.

The Birdsey Cape Wildlife Center is the Cape Cod branch of the New England Wildlife Centers. Each year we provide free veterinary care to over 5000 sick, injured, and orphaned wild animals. In the process of caring for these patients we work to educate members of the public and spread the message of environmental conservation . Each day we work to preserve the rich natural history of Cape Cod a

nd Southeastern Massachusetts m, one animal – and one person at a time. If you have found a wild animal in need of help, or have questions about wildlife, natural history, or habitat please call our wildlife Hotline at (508) 362 0111

Fox update!Today our veterinary team sedated our mangy fox patient for a full work up! He got radiographs to check for a...

Fox update!

Today our veterinary team sedated our mangy fox patient for a full work up! He got radiographs to check for any fractures, bloodwork to assess clotting times for possible anticoagulant rodenticide exposure, and skin scrapes to confirm presence of the sarcoptes mite that causes this condition.

We are happy to report he does not have any broken bones, but did find some soft tissue swelling in the leg which most likely is contributing to his lameness. His blood also clotted normally, so fortunately he does not have to be treated for SGAR poisoning.
We also were able to identify multiple mites under the microscope.

Helping us assess this fox were two licensed wildlife rehabbers from Return2Wild who were training in our hospital today. They got to see what our typical triage process is like and got some hands on experience administering injectable rehydration fluids to our patient.

He is not out of the woods yet but his prognosis is looking better after his eval today. He will continue on his current treatment plan of antibiotics, pain meds, antiparasitics, and nutritional support. Fingers crossed for our fox friend 🤞🦊

Third times the charm!Our rescue team has been tracking this injured red fox from Plymouth for the past three weeks and ...

Third times the charm!

Our rescue team has been tracking this injured red fox from Plymouth for the past three weeks and today on our third attempt we were able to safely capture him! We were first called out to assess him at the end of December and noticed immediately he displayed the classic signs of mange- missing, patchy fur and crusted skin lesions especially around the eyes leaving him with a squinted appearance. Despite his condition he was able to evade our fist attempts on the beach. It is dangerous to continually chase animals to try and get them into care because it can stress them out increasing their heart rate and respiration rate to the point of causing them to potentially arrest so we waited for another opportunity.
Weeks later we received another report of an injured limping fox from Plymouth Police Departmentand Officers kept tabs on him until we could get there. His mange appeared to be more severe and he now was limping on a front leg so we thought for sure we’d get him this time, but he scurried by us a second time. We were determined not to give up and finally after receiving another location sighting from Town of Plymouth MA Animal Shelter /animal control we were able to net him and bring him back to our Cape Hospital. Given the stress of the capture and transport and his level of alertness our veterinary team decided manual restraint would be too stressful. We elect to do most procedures with adult carnivores under sedation so it is less stressful for the patient and safer for the staff. Tonight we started treatment for the mange, secondary skin infection and administered pain meds, all of which was put into a small amount food. With patients that present emaciated, feeding a calorie dense diet too quickly can actually do more harm than good. Tomorrow we’ll be performing diagnostics to further evaluate his injuries and afflictions. For tonight he is warm, fed, and resting comfortably. Thank you to all the agencies who kept a watchful eye on him for us! We’ll keep you posted on his progress!

These strong winds brought us our favorite winter warrior today!This tiny dovkie was admitted to our hospital today afte...

These strong winds brought us our favorite winter warrior today!

This tiny dovkie was admitted to our hospital today after he was found by a Good Samaritan struggling on the shore. Although they resemble penguins, these tiny seabirds are part of the Alcidae family, which includes puffins and guillemots. Despite their small size they are masters at navigating life out on the ocean and are capable of diving to depths of up to 300 feet! They can however, be blown off course toward the shore and because their body was not designed for land dwelling they are pretty much stranded until they are put back in the water, far enough past the break line that the winds won’t just push them right back to shore. The longer they are out of water the more likely the waterproofing on their feathers will fail as they get dirty and damaged causing them to become hypothermic very quickly.

This little guy must have already been out of the water for some time because his feathers were moderately dirty. When we tried him in one of our indoor pools he got wet and couldn’t stay buoyant for very long. We set him up with a haul out and a heat lamp so he could pull himself out of the water when he gets cold and warm up. As long as they are active and alert we set seabirds up in this type of enclosure to encourage them to start preening their feathers. Preening is a vital grooming behavior for birds. First, birds use their beaks to carefully clean, straighten, and arrange their feathers. Then, they will use their beaks to squeeze a gland at the base of their tail called the uropygial or preen gland, collecting oil, and then spread it over their feathers. To help repel water. We are hoping that he can clean himself up over the next few days and won’t have to go through the stress of being washed. During this time we’ll also be providing supplement fluid and nutritional support as well as some pain meds because his tumble in the surf left him with some leg weakness. We know he’s a fighter so all this TLC should get him feeling better and back out to open water soon.

Meet our newest patient: a Southern flying squirrel who was found outside a home, shivering in the cold. He’s showing si...

Meet our newest patient: a Southern flying squirrel who was found outside a home, shivering in the cold. He’s showing signs of neurological issues, which we suspect could be due to either rodenticide exposure, or possibly an injury he suffered when he was woken up from torpor prematurely —a state of deep sleep that helps these squirrels conserve energy during winter.
Southern flying squirrels are fascinating creatures and one of two flying squirrel species in New England. Despite their name, they don’t actually fly; they glide! Using a special membrane of skin called a patagium that stretches between their front and back legs, they can gracefully leap between trees, covering distances of up to 150 feet.

In winter, these nocturnal animals rely on their remarkable adaptations to survive the freezing temperatures. Unlike true hibernators, flying squirrels enter a state of torpor when it’s extremely cold, lowering their body temperature and metabolic rate to conserve energy. They also huddle together in tree cavities for warmth, and often find their way into people’s sheds or attics if there are unsecured entry points.

Our team is doing everything we can to support this flyers recovery. He is receiving daily fluids, vitamin K, heat and nutritional support. With a little luck he will be feeling good enough to rejoin his troop back in the wild this coming spring!

Today we were honored to host Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game Commissioner, Tom O’Shea, at our Weymouth facili...

Today we were honored to host Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game Commissioner, Tom O’Shea, at our Weymouth facility!

We had meaningful discussions about the current and future challenges facing wildlife and habitats and discussed ways we can work collaboratively to protect them. He also had the opportunity to meet our educational ambassador Falco (pictured here) and observed our veterinary team in action as we treated a Red Tailed Hawk patient, showcasing the critical role wildlife hospitals and rehabillitators play in protecting our shared environment.

Thank you Commissioner O’Shea for your, and your agency’s, commitment to wildlife and for taking the time to visit us today. We look forward to continuing to work together to protect and preserve the natural heritage of MA!

It’s a new year and today the ducks and geese treated after the Muddy River oil spill got a new lease on life! After spe...

It’s a new year and today the ducks and geese treated after the Muddy River oil spill got a new lease on life!

After spending a month in our care, these resilient birds are back where they belong. Stabilizing them, washing away the oil, and providing follow-up care took hundreds of hours of dedicated work in our hospitals. We were so happy and relieved to see them return home—though probably not as happy as they were to be back!

This was a true team effort. A heartfelt thank you to Boston Park Rangers Brookline MA Police Department , Brookline Park Rangers, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, U.S. EPA - New England Region, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for their partnership and support in this effort.

And to the public—your support and generosity made this possible. Thank you for standing with us to protect wildlife and the environment. Together, we made a difference!

The first  patient of 2025 at our cape hospital was this mute swan that we’ve been trying to get into care for over a we...

The first patient of 2025 at our cape hospital was this mute swan that we’ve been trying to get into care for over a week. We received multiple calls about this swan entangled with fishing line wrapped around his neck with at least one visible fishing hook. Multiple town ACOs attempted to capture but were unable because he was still flighted. Today Mashpee Police Department was successful in detaining the swan and bringing him to us for care.
Our veterinary team was able to remove the fishing line and fortunately the hook was no longer attached. We performed radiographs to make sure he didn’t accidentally swallow it and luckily no hooks were seen internally either! Due to the length of time entangled his beak and tongue did sustain some soft tissue trauma but anti-inflammatory pain meds and some antibiotics should help clear that up in no time.
Despite his ordeal he is still very feisty so for his safety, as well as our staff’s, he’ll be receiving the rest of his treatments while getting to free roam in one of our outdoor aviaries.
Thank you to everyone who tried so hard to capture this fellow he’s finally getting the help he needs!


💚❤️A small Christmas miracle! ❤️💚In just 48 hours, this sharp shinned hawk that was found with severe neuro signs during...

💚❤️A small Christmas miracle! ❤️💚

In just 48 hours, this sharp shinned hawk that was found with severe neuro signs during a Domino's Pizza delivery run has shown a remarkable improvement!

His head trauma signs that he sustained after a suspected vehicle collision are improving everyday with the treatment course our vet team has him on. In fact today, he was quite sprightly, so much so that we decided to move him outside to a small aviary. Sharpies are high stressed hawks in rehab and can often self harm by bashing around in cages trying to escape. For his own safety we’ll continue to monitor and treat him outside until all neurological signs are resolved. He’s still got a little ways to go but so far we are very happy with his progress.

Thank you to everyone who sent healing thoughts his way it seems to be working! 💕

Dominos to the rescue!After completing a delivery, a dominos employee and Good Samaritan noticed a small hawk in the mid...

Dominos to the rescue!

After completing a delivery, a dominos employee and Good Samaritan noticed a small hawk in the middle of a busy road that had not been there minutes before she had passed on her way to her customer.
Knowing it needed help she scooped it up and contained the hawk in her vehicle. She called us for help because she had a busy schedule and knew the hawk couldn’t wait to get help. We fortunately had our rescue team member, Ava, available to go meet her outside work to collect the hawk and delivered it to the hospital in under 30 minutes.
Our vet team suspects this sharp-shinned hawk collided with a vehicle and while fortunately, radiographs ruled out any fractures, the car strike did cause head trauma that left him disoriented with severe neurological signs. We immediately administered fluids, anti-inflammatory pain meds to help reduce swelling and placed the bird in an oxygen chamber. Supplying supplemental oxygen in cases with traumatic brain injuries helps improve brain cell viability and promote healing.
We are hoping the meds start working and we see an improvement in his mentation over the next few days. One thing is for sure though, if not for a quick thinking Good Samaritan this hawk wouldn’t have any chance of survival. Who knew this pizza order would come with a side of wings 😉🍕🦅

Rodenticide hawk update!It’s been just about a month since this red-tailed hawk started treatment for second generation ...

Rodenticide hawk update!

It’s been just about a month since this red-tailed hawk started treatment for second generation anti-coagulant rodenticide (SGAR) poisoning. This week our veterinary team performed a recheck clotting time to see how the bird’s body was dealing with the exposure. When we first tested his clotting time his blood took over two hours to clot when it should normally take less than five minutes. We are happy to report that this time his blood clotted in about 40 minutes. It’s not back to normal yet but it’s heading in the right direction. We will continue treating for another month and then recheck again.
As a reminder you have a choice when it comes to rodent control. Please avoid poisons like SGARs that travel up the food chain and harm non-targeted species like this hawk. They cause undue suffering for animals, and inhibit natures natural ability to control rodent populations.

For some context, A red-tailed hawk like this one needs to eat about 200 kcals of prey each day to maintain a healthy weight in the winter. This is the equivalent of 6-8 mice per day, or 1-2 adult rats. In the 33 days this hawk has been recovering in our hospital it could have already removed 250 mice or 66 rats from the environment!

Muddy River Response We’re thrilled to share that today we completed washing the last of the oil-affected ducks and gees...

Muddy River Response

We’re thrilled to share that today we completed washing the last of the oil-affected ducks and geese! This labor-intensive process requires precision, patience, and plenty of suds, and our team gave it their all to get the birds sparkling clean and oil-free.

The birds washed yesterday and today are now resting indoors, where they can warm up and recover. Meanwhile, the geese from our first round of washes are feeling strong enough to head outside to a large pen where we set up a heated freshwater pool and warming lights for some extra heat support. They definitely seemed to appreciate the amenities.

While we’ve washed our hands (and wings) of the oil for now, our work isn’t done. These birds will remain in our care for a couple more weeks as they regain their natural waterproofing and strength.

We couldn’t be prouder of our hardworking staff, volunteers, and partners. We are also very grateful to all who have expressed support, sent items off our wishlist, and to those who helped report oiled waterfowl. Here’s to giving these birds a clean bill of health—one bath at a time!

The washing process continues today, over the last two days 13 birds were cleaned and oil free! To limit stress on the b...

The washing process continues today, over the last two days 13 birds were cleaned and oil free! To limit stress on the birds our veterinary team administers intranasally a sedative combo that will relax the bird during the long process. It is not possible to fully anesthetize them to spare them the whole ordeal because their body temperature would drop too low in the water and they would become hypothermic. This intranasal sedation is a good alternative as it chills them out but doesn’t put them fully to sleep. Without this protocol they tend to struggle, flapping their wings trying to get away. This can be dangerous and potentially result in injuries to all parties involved. Once the washing is over the medications are reversed and the birds go back to an active behavior.
For the wash itself, to know what concentrations of dawn are needed to fully remove the oil we conduct an feather wash test and wash some of the oiled feathers from the birds in different combinations of dish soap too see which one will remove the oil the best. Which ever combo restores the feather to its original structure best is the winner and the formula we will use to wash the birds. This makes sure we only have to wash each bird once. So what happens to the water we bathe all these contaminated birds in? Well because the water is now contaminated with hazardous material we have to collect all the water from each wash into waste drums that are then collected by Clean Harbors a waste management company. It is not safe to let any of that discarded oil go down the drain. You can imagine how many drums we had to order since we have over 40 birds to wash 😳. Thank you Roger’s and Marney Builders Inc for hooking us up- literally with a drain system that drains directly into each barrel and makes our job a little easier!
After the wash the bird gets set up in front of a blower for supplemental heat as they dry. For the next couple of days after the wash we’ll start swimming the birds in pools to monitor their feather quality. Even with all the oil off it can still take several days even weeks to restore their waterproofing to 100%. They must preen their feathers and spread natural oils, produced by their preen gland located at the base of their tail, all over their feathers to help create a barrier against water. Since this can take some time the birds will get limited swim time each day until they can thermoregulate better.
Every day we will try to wash as many birds as possible until they are all clean. With more than 30 more birds to clean we are going through many of our much needed washing supplies quickly. If you’d like to help please consider purchasing some critical supplies from our amazon wish list! Thank you!

Oil spill update! Here’s the latest from the Muddy River!From the field: It’s a rainy, windy, and generally miserable ou...

Oil spill update! Here’s the latest from the Muddy River!

From the field: It’s a rainy, windy, and generally miserable out. Water off a ducks back, as they say! The weather worked to our advantage today as many of the birds were hunkered down taking shelter. This allowed us to get close and assess them for oiling. We caught another four birds who were in rough shape, which brings our total in care to 43. The good news is that the water looks much cleaner and the vast majority of remaining birds look clean! Mass. Department of Environmental Protection was on site deploying extra booming to catch any additional oil that is kicked up by the rain. The birds are en route to our hospital and Boston Park Rangers and Brookline MA Police Department will continue patrolling 💪

From the Hospital: The washing process has begun! Today the first 4 birds got their full wash! The washing process is extremely lengthy and stressful (for both the bird and the washers) since each wash can take up to an hour in length depending on the type and degree of oil contamination. We have started with the most heavily oiled today and tomorrow will hit the ground running with two separate teams washing for about 10 hours straight. We will continue this until we get through them all - Lather. Rinse. Repeat! 🧼

Did you know that Part of NEWCS mission is to prepare for disasters, like oil spills? We train and certify our staff to respond in the field and regularly provide training courses to other first-responders. We have been working with Boston Park Rangers Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for several years on various aspects of wildlife response, and this week all of that preparation has paid off! The cross-agency teamwork has been awesome and it has been vital to this rescue effort.

Lastly, a huge thank you to all who have messaged and called with bird sightings. It has been hugely helpful and please continue to do so if you see affected birds.

Hello fellow animal lovers - Thank you for your patience in being updated.  It's been all hands on deck here.  We are so...

Hello fellow animal lovers - Thank you for your patience in being updated. It's been all hands on deck here. We are so, so grateful for offers of help. Right now it is not safe for folks who are not hazmat trained and trained in oil spill response to come to try to rescue. We have enough trained wildlife rehabilitators, veterinarians, certified veterinary technicians and trained interns either on the scene or at our hospital. If we need help, which we certainly may, we will post it here. Thank you so very much. We are grateful to you all for offers of help and your outpouring of support.

So far we have rescued 30 birds. New England Wildlife Center staff are on scene in full hazmat gear. It is believed this is a heating oil spill, but we do not know for sure. The goal is to rescue, triage, stabilize and treat. Birds who can fly are flying from the scene so we have to work at rescue.

If you see a single or group of oiled birds, please DM a picture and location to us.

New England Wildlife Centers has trained all first responders in oil spill response. We are working with Boston Parks and Recreation Department Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection,
Massachusetts Environmental Police
Departments of Public Works.

Massachusetts Enviromental Police have deemed the site unsafe for people not properly suited, trained and holding a federal permit for migratory birds.

Birds that were admitted last night are being stabilized and some are able to begin the washing process. The washing takes about an hour per bird. We start with a low amount of dawn and work up as it is tolerated and needed. NEWCS veterinarians and certified veterinary technicians are trained in evidence collection and the chain of evidence incase litigation is needed.

Once all of the oil is removed and birds are ready, they will begin to re-water proof their feathers in a large pool at our Cape Cod hospital. We are working hard so that as many as possible can be released.

New England Wildlife Center is a private nonprofit. We are not part of any state or federal agency, large institution or organization. We were started by a few individuals in Hingham 40 years ago. Our Weymouth headquarters was built with funding from all of you. You have made the work we are doing today, and everyday, possible. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

We will keep you updated. Sorry the update was a little delayed.

⚠️Tonight our team is responding to an oil spill in Boston’s Muddy River. An unknown quantity of what’s suspected to be ...

⚠️Tonight our team is responding to an oil spill in Boston’s Muddy River. An unknown quantity of what’s suspected to be heating oil was released into the river and has affected wildlife living in the area .

Working with Boston Parks and Recreation Department Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection we have been able to capture the most significantly impacted waterfowl so far and have brought them back to our hospital for triage and treatment.

Our team will be working overtime tonight intaking, stabilizing, and providing emergency care to the Canada geese and ducks. Our priority is to clear airways and flush oil from the eyes and mouth, and provide heat support to help them compensate. We will begin the washing process once they are stable enough to undergo the procedure.

We will be back on scene first-thing in the morning to continue the rescue effort and get the remaining animals into care.

In the interim, we are asking folks not to approach or attempt to capture any wildlife in this area! They are very stressed and contact with the oil may be harmful to humans and pets. Many of the remaining birds are still able to fly so we don’t want to cause them additional harm or cause them to leave the area.

Thank you to all of the individuals and agencies who have helped support this effort, and care so deeply about Boston’s wildlife! A special shoutout to Boston Parks for going the extra mile this evening 💪

We will keep you posted as the effort progresses!

Turtle Spa Day 🐢Today, many of the turtles still in our care for the winter received a bees wax change! They were admitt...

Turtle Spa Day 🐢

Today, many of the turtles still in our care for the winter received a bees wax change! They were admitted to the hospital this summer after sustaining injuries that left large pieces of shell missing and exposing their internal body cavity. In the past, we did not have any reasonable way of managing these cases because the turtles would have to remain bandaged out of water for months. For aquatic turtles like these eastern painted and common snapping turtles that would result in a poor quality of life in care, because out of water they do not eat and get dehydrated even with injectable fluids supplementation. For larger snapping turtles, being out of water for long periods of time also resulted in pressure sores on their plastron (under-shell) due to their heavy body weight. Cases like these usually never ended well, BUT since we started using bees wax to create a water proof bandage our ability to successfully treat these advanced cases has improved significantly. The beeswax prevents water from entering the wound and the body but still allows healthy tissue to grow underneath it that will eventually seal off the opening. Overtime this fibrous tissue will be overlaid with bone and keratin. The technique is pretty low maintenance and we typically only have to change the wax monthly once the wound in stable. All the turtles wax change went extremely well and they are all on track to be released next spring!

🎄✨  Holiday Open House! ✨🎄Celebrate the season with us at our Holiday Open House, a festive, fun, and FREE event for the...

🎄✨ Holiday Open House! ✨🎄

Celebrate the season with us at our Holiday Open House, a festive, fun, and FREE event for the whole family!

When: Saturday December 7th 11am-4pm
Where: 4011 Main St. Barnstable, Ma 02630

🎁 What’s Happening:
• Live animal show featuring Amazing Animal Ambassadors (1-2 pm only)
• Cozy up by the campfire with s’mores
• Kids’ crafts and activities
• An incredible silent auction with gifts perfect for everyone on your list (bids will close at 3:30pm)
• Pop-up holiday gift shop
• Delicious treats at our bake sale
•. Tours of our hospital
• Photos with Santa AND Loki the Owl
• Meet-and-greets with Falco the hawk
•Incredible native animal display from Town of Barnstable

All proceeds from the event directly support the care of our wildlife patients. 🦉🐾

Bring your friends and family and make lasting holiday memories—all while helping us give injured and orphaned wildlife the care they need.

We can’t wait to see you there! 🎅🦅

We have a wee little chickadeeOur last admit of the day was this black-capped chickadee, the state bird of Massachusetts...

We have a wee little chickadee

Our last admit of the day was this black-capped chickadee, the state bird of Massachusetts! When our team started to examined him we shockingly thought he was missing his right leg, however, after lifting up his feathers we felt his leg that was completely stuck to his body in what looked like tree sap. We were able to get all the sap off and extend his leg. There was fortunately no torn skin or wounds however he was not able to move the leg and had minimal response to pain. He is being stabilized overnight with fluids and an anti-inflammatory pain med in hopes that the damage is just temporary and that circulation and nerve function returns. For tonight he can at least rest comfortably 💕.


4011 Main Street
Barnstable, MA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 9am - 4pm


(508) 362-0111


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The Cape Wildlife Center Mission

The Cape Wildlife Center is a non-profit wildlife hospital and education center located in Barnstable, Massachusetts. Each year we provide veterinary care and rehabilitation to 2,000 sick, injured, and orphaned wild animals. In the process of caring for these patients we work to educate members of the public and spread the message of environmental conservation . Each day we work to preserve the rich natural history of Cape Cod and the islands, one animal – and one person at a time. If you have found a wild animal in need of help, or have questions about wildlife, natural history, or habitat please call our wildlife Hotline at (508) 362 0111