Low cost Spay/Neuter for cats with Save An Angel here in Bastrop!
Let's focus on unfriendly cats who are not able to be handled. Where did all these cats come from to begin with? Most came from friendly pet cats who became lost or abandoned. If EVERYONE fixed cats and kittens before making them part of the family, this would certainly aid in the reduction of the feral cat population.
🐈 If your neighbor offers you a cat, get him/her fixed!
🐈 Even if you never plan on letting your cat go outdoors, get him/her fixed! Once a kitten reaches sexual maturity (typically starting at 6 months of age), you may not be able to physically keep them inside. Their hormones give them super powers and they become so fast you can't stop or catch them.
🐈 If you think your kitty isn’t old enough to be fixed, find out! (It is safe to spay/neuter at 2lbs/2 months)
🐈 If you don’t think you need to fix your kitty because it’s a male, you’re wrong. Get him neutered! One male can be responsible for 2,500 kittens every year. You may not see them, but your neighbors within a 5 mile radius will.
🐈 If you want your female cat to give birth just once so you can witness the miracle of birth, go to your local shelter and foster a pregnant cat and get your cat fixed!