Let's talk about pet obesity and body condition. Because WOW do a lot of people on the internet have incorrect opinions about a dog they've seen one bad picture of and never once seen in person 😶
⭐️ At an IDEAL body condition score of 4/5, your dog should have a visible waist and abdominal tuck and ribs should easily be felt
⭐️ Obese dogs have an increased risk for problems/diseases such as: cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, osteoarthritis, urinary bladder stones, and anesthetic complications
⭐️ An obese dog is NOT a happy dog. An obese dogs lacks energy or the ability to even get up and do what it was bred for or wants to do
⭐️ A survey in the US found that 59% of dogs are estimated to be overweight or have obesity. That's over half of owner pets being overfed/underexercised
We as a society are more used to seeing overweight/obese pets as opposed to dogs that are at a healthy/ideal condition. Check with your vet to see if your dog is overweight, and if it is discuss how you can get it to an ideal weight and extend its lifespan in the process!
And PLEASE, if you see one bad picture of a dog on the Internet and the people that have ACTUALLY seen the dog in person say the dog is in good shape, please back out of your keyboard warrior chair and trust us. That's all we ask.