Now this is how to RING in the New Year. Congratulations to Zeus!!! You are the FIRST chemotherapy graduate of 2025!!! Completing his CHOP chemotherapy protocol was no small feat for this boy -- He had a few bumps in the road along the way. But with slight modifications to his protocol -- Zeus started to feel better & better with each treatment.
We are so proud of him!!!
Happy Halloween from your Boo Krewe at LSU!!!
Ring that bell Houston!! Congrats on completing 16 radiation therapy treatments!!! 💜💛💜💛
Jack completed stereotactic radiation therapy for the second time!!!
Ring that bell!!
Our little Maizie got to ring that bell today!!!
Tasha ringing her celebration bell!!
Darcie -- It's your turn to ring the Celebration Bell!!!
Yeti completed radiation therapy today and he is super excited to ring the bell!!! Yay Yeti we are so happy for you!!!💜💛💜💛