Special and Hopeful Request: ❤️
I bought sweet Holly a few years back. She is absolutely the best tempered horse and has been the backbone of our therapy program for very young beginners.
Well over 3 years ago, our neighbors moved in. Ann became very involved with Grace Therapeutic Program... and they have been incredible blessings to all of us. And especially to me. When I work 12 hr shifts... Ann walks Cowboy, feeds horses and watches over our little farm. I could not do this without her. So....
Ann had loved horses her whole life. And so after retiring, and moving to the country, and working at Grace, she wanted her own horse. Over a year ago, I sold Holly to her, as her very first horse. ( they are right next door). She has been incredible for her and has instilled great confidence in Ann and she continues to let us use her as a therapy horse.
Holly has developed a uterine infection. She has had to be "drained" and is receiving expensive meds to combat this situation. She will be drained again in a few days.
This is very expensive.(the bill is over $3000 to date). I'm asking for a bit of help on Ann's behalf. She is such a blessing but I don't want her to carry this financial burden alone. All donations will be tax deductible. Many ways to donate.
Websight: grace-therapeutic.com. The donation page will lead you to paypal or credit card.
You can also call or text with any questions.
Robin 360-910-7101. THANKS for your consideration. ❤️❤️