Inspired by Max, Created for Bobo
Tumorid® Salve was inspired by Max after his passing in 2016. He was my first dog and went with me everywhere for 9 years. When he got a tumor, the vet said it needs to be removed because it was cancerous. I never believed in cutting, but went along with the vet’s suggestions because after all, they are the one with the knowledge and degrees. After getting a second opinion, we chose to operate on him. One month later, Max passed.
When we adopted a Pit Bull named Brutus, we renamed him Bobo because he was such a sweet dog. He came with lumps and bumps all over his body, and was an abandoned dog with an injured mouth. He was picked up and delivered to the Humane Society of SW Washington by a kind-hearted family. The vet who operated on him and stitched up his jaw suspected that he was shot due to lead fragments found inside his mouth.
We were his foster family, but we found him to be the most loving dog we had ever fostered so we adopted him, and thus inherited him with all his medical problems. When the vets suggested cutting his tail because of tumor, we declined because of Max’s history. You can view the entire Tumorid® history on our website.