Welcome our newest barn member. Everyone was very curious!
What a beautiful day! So proud of these kids! They show up, have a great attitude and put thier best into it. #bluehorsefarm, #alabamaequestrians
Buddy Sour horses
Yesterday we took one of the horses away from his buddy, after about a month of being here. These horses are new to us, they are new to Alabama. One of the horses did ok. She accepted the distance between her and her buddy, the other who was left behind, became very stressed and ran all about the paddock calling to his friend.
This senario is common in the horse world and it is referred to as “buddy sour”. I don’t really like this word because it implies a negative and doesn’t actually explain what is happening. The reality is your horse is a fearful type personality and does not feel safe being alone or away from a herd member that they associate with safety. The only way to address the root is to address the fear and to create safety away from the herd. Or with their human herd members. Trust can be built by spending more time with the horse. Exposing them slowly to fearful situations and helping the horse build confidence in scary situations. Teach, coach and develop confidence in your equine partner and you’ll both be better for it.
Coaches need lessons too. Our goal to develop future horse riders that are attuned to their horses, compassionate and educated also applies to us. That is why I am personally taking on a challenge to improve my jumping skills. I have traditionally been a western rider and I know that is one area I need work. I hope that my students with find comfort and patience with the horses and themselves in seeing that even coaches need coaching. Good horsemanship is a life long journey and totally worth it. This is my starting video. Let’s hope I improve in 28 days! 😂
27 degrees snow and ice. Welfare check on the horses this morning. I apologize for my narrative. I baby talk to all my horses. 🤪
Blue Horse Farm Riding Academy 2023… Thanks for the memories!! 🐎🥰🐎🎉
The horses celebrate #nationaldayofthehorse at the farm. Thank you to all those who support our small business.
🎉Congratulations to Elsa and Siobhan for completing the 🌹Red Horsemanship Level 🐎!Very proud of you girls you have done so well! 🎉
Who’s got this on your bucket list?
Blue Horse Farms offical wranglers
One more camp video.
We had to wait for the ground to dry out but we had a great day as we resumed day 4 horse camp!