Opening day time laps!
Time lapse of what went down on opening day of rifle season! Evening hunt!
All most 50 on the ground at 7:20
Might should have sprung for that Mule Deer tag 😑. literally the only animal on the mountain we can’t shoot lol
Colorado Hunting 2024
Bear hunting is a little different in that it requires a lot of trigger control. You can not just throw up and shoot or you could make a costly legal mistake…or find yourself somewhat disappointed.
Sows with cubs obviously are not legal or ethical targets and bears are perhaps the hardest species of game animal to judge for age and trophy quality. You really have to control your emotions and watch them for a while before you decide to shoot.
They ALL look big when you first spot them, but there are some signs to look for when judging age and size.
First look at the ears. If a bear appears to have large ears it is most likely a juvenile bear. If it's belly is far off the ground and it's legs appear long that for sure is a juvenile bear. A short and dull looking coat is also a sign of a young bear. Mature bears tend to have longer glossier coats, short looking ears and big blocky heads. Also mature bears tend to be much fatter and just like their human counterparts they walk with a waddling lumbering gate.
If you look at the bear in the video you can see he exhibits all the characteristics of a young bear including a youthful naivety that prevents him from understanding that you do not just linger around during hunting season. I hope the young fella makes it a couple more years and puts on a couple hundred more pounds.
However, if a good tender bear roast is what you are after then this one would have been perfect!
For 31 years we have lived in this house and raised five children in this house. The spot will now be a parking lot for Sorghum Hollow Processing and Taxidermy. It’s time for new beginnings…
Just wanted to give a shout out to Trent Junkin at TJ’s Landscaping. We recently had them do some mulching on ourproperty and I can say it was worth every penny. It is the best way to clear land without compromising your top soil, and having to burn or bury tons of brush tops and stumps. What was a useless impenetrable thicket can be turned into a beautiful park, green field, or building sight in just a few hours. Lance Atkinson is one of the best operators I have seen and he knows how to use the machinery to its fullest potential which will save you, the land owner, time and money in the long run. If you have a piece of property, large tracts or small, that needs mulching, dozer work, or other landscaping give Trent a call. 205-412-7973