Green Grass Farms

Green Grass Farms We are a Farm that focuses on raising our Animals on pasture and naturally. We provide Grass Fed Beef

Our mission is to produce the healthiest, most affordable meat around. Our beef is 100% grass fed with no grains or antibiotics what-so-ever. Our Chickens and Pigs receive non-gmo grain and are Pasture Raised. Let us know if there is anything you are interested in or go to our website at for more information.

Selling and feeding hog day! Call me crazy but I could hardly sleep last night since this morning was the 1st time to us...

Selling and feeding hog day! Call me crazy but I could hardly sleep last night since this morning was the 1st time to use my new loading ramp. I wish I would have gotten a picture but the family came to help me load these buggers on the truck. It’s just a hunch but I think they would rather have been doing something different, maybe sleeping in. 🤔

Since there has been so much uncertainty for the past few years now, we are offering a cost savings and selling a whole ...

Since there has been so much uncertainty for the past few years now, we are offering a cost savings and selling a whole beef prior to processing in order to insure you will have plenty of food on your table. You can go in with other families or keep the whole beef for yourself. I will deliver a grass fed/grass finished steer that I raised on my farm to the processor that we have always used, Paradise Meats in Trimble, MO. All you need to do is talk to RJ, the lady who handles the cut sheets before I drop the beef off for processing. RJ is very good to work with and will walk you through the different cuts.

I am charging $1.84/ lb hanging weight, this does not include the processing fee. Hanging weight is the weight of the animal before it turns into a ribeye. For budgeting purposes our average hanging weight is Approx 650-750lbs. I will need to require a deposit of $250 that will go toward the purchase of the steer prior to delivery in order to lock in your reservation, then the difference can be paid after the hanging weight is acquired.

My pre-scheduled dates for this year's delivery of cattle to Paradise Meats are:
August 13th x2 cattle available
October 22nd x 3 cattle available

You can reserve your beef at [email protected], text Me(Matt) at 816-398-1335 or call is fine too!

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

It was pig moving day this morning.  We have 60 pigs that live in a 1/2 acre for 1 week to 1 1/2 weeks. While they’re on...

It was pig moving day this morning. We have 60 pigs that live in a 1/2 acre for 1 week to 1 1/2 weeks. While they’re on this half acre they eat grass, root around for high protein grubs, stir up and sow the seed bank that has been dormant for over 70yrs and best of all deposit nitrogen rich manure fertilizer on every square inch of this 1/2 acre to help bring back a pasture that God intended it to be.

Yesterday I let them run out of feed around lunchtime so they would be good and hungry this morning and more than willing to go into an unfamiliar area.

This morning I started by moving their feeder to the next spot and filling up enough feed that will last long enough for them to do the same work as the last spot. The pigs prefer the grass and grubs, the feed is a supplement to keep them happy.

Next we walk the entire current 1/2acre, getting the pigs up and out of their shade and tall grass. Mason and I call it “scooping the loop”. We keep them in the corner next to the gate going into the next spot with 3x4 red sort boards until they go through the gate. This morning was their 1st move so they were a little cautious going through the gate.

Lastly, we dump the water out of the 85 gal drinker onto the ground so we can move it to the next spot with the pigs. We dump the water out after the pigs have been moved so the they don’t turn the newest wet spot into a mud bath and siesta time. Try getting a pig out of a mud wallow on a hot day, not happening!

Enjoy the pictures, they should be in order with each step for the move.

This is what Pastured, Naturally raised, Anabiotic free and Hormone free Pork looks like.  If you see any of those labe...

This is what Pastured, Naturally raised, Anabiotic free and Hormone free Pork looks like. If you see any of those labels in the grocery store you might want to wonder if that pork chop or package of bacon was truly raised this way or was it raised in a building which barely passes these labels standards in order to maximize production and then slap a nice pretty label on the package.

Perspective.  I’m around this farm everyday. I see the same thing day in and day out, sometimes it’s dry, sometimes wet ...

Perspective. I’m around this farm everyday. I see the same thing day in and day out, sometimes it’s dry, sometimes wet and muddy. I move, feed and water the chickens (in the background if you zoom in behind the barn), same with the pigs and cattle. It’s easy to loose focus on the beauty around you. This picture was taken when my day didn’t seem to be going too smoothly and I was on top of my grain bin shutting the lid after the feed delivery. When I looked out over the farm, I couldn’t help but to stop and take time to appreciate another day that we can find something to appreciate.

If you see yourself driving the countryside and happen across our farm-store, we have Farm Fresh Brown Eggs, only $2/dz....

If you see yourself driving the countryside and happen across our farm-store, we have Farm Fresh Brown Eggs, only $2/dz. 1315 300th St Bedford, IA. For our local customers we are on the Golden Rod out by Siam.

We sell on the honor system. Also, if you need any Pork and/or 100% Grass Fed/Finished Beef cuts, we have plenty in stock, let us know and we’ll meet you there.


Here are this month’s sale items.  Just in time for grilling and smoking season we are putting our Sirloin Steaks, KC st...

Here are this month’s sale items. Just in time for grilling and smoking season we are putting our Sirloin Steaks, KC strips and Boston Button Butts on sale. Just go to to check out these items and place your order. If it’s a rainy day or you want a recipe to cook up those sirloins or KC strips inside try this recipe. So yummy! Also don't forget the upcoming neighborhood drops. Olathe on Tuesday May 11th and MO locations on Saturday, May 15th.

Garlic Butter Steak Bites
1 T olive oil or coconut oil
1.5 lbs sirloin steak or KC strip cut into bite sized pieces
4-6 garlic cloves (minced or use garlic press)
½ tsp salt and pepper
¼ tsp red pepper flakes
2 T butter
1 T parsley (fresh is best)
1. Add olive oil to a large skillet and heat over high heat. Once hot add the steak pieces and season with salt and pepper.
2. Cook for at least 2 minutes to get a good sear on them. Stir then cook for another 2 minutes until they are golden brown.
3. Transfer the steak to a plate and use the same skillet to melt the butter. Turn the heat down to medium and add the garlic and red pepper flakes. Cook for 30 seconds while stirring.
4. Pour the garlic butter over the steak bites and toss. Garnish with parsley and serve.

I want to take a minute to brag on this little buckaroo! This is my son Cord, he’s been helping me on the weekends keep ...

I want to take a minute to brag on this little buckaroo! This is my son Cord, he’s been helping me on the weekends keep the farm running by lending me a hand, holding a wrench or tying on chicken waters for our etc. I know he would rather be sitting in front of a TV, an iPad or something else not conducive to a healthy childhood, but when I ask for his help he jumps right up and gets ready to go. For only going on 7yrs old, he surprises me all the time with his thoughts and ideas relating to how things function and how God created them. When I’m scratching my head trying to solve a problem he chimes right in with quite wise ideas. This is one of the things that keep me going when business and life gets tough.

Pigs got a new home, luckily I had an empty barn with their name on it. I don’t think they can get much happier.

Pigs got a new home, luckily I had an empty barn with their name on it. I don’t think they can get much happier.

Good morning & Happy Easter! We wish our farm family a wonderful day today. He is Risen!

Good morning & Happy Easter! We wish our farm family a wonderful day today. He is Risen!

Discover even more ideas for you

Sale Items, Recipe, Chicken Restock Dates, Happy customer photos (pictured here) and MO Neighborhood drops coming up on ...

Sale Items, Recipe, Chicken Restock Dates, Happy customer photos (pictured here) and MO Neighborhood drops coming up on Saturday April 10th. Lots to share at Green Grass Farms.

Let's start with the sale items. This month we are putting our NEW Applewood Smoked Shoulder Bacon on yummy!!! (pictured here). Be sure to get it in time for mother's day breakfast coming in early May. Also on sale are our Italian and Cheese Brats. So easy to cook yet so delicious!

For chicken customers, we currently only have chicken hindquarters and wings showing in stock. However, our new batch of chickens are on the farm and we should be able to restock inventory in late May (watch for a big whole broiler chicken promotion coming soon)...YAY! We do still have some whole broilers packaged 2 per freezer bag that aren't listed on the website. If you would like some of those just e-mail us and we can add them to your order.

If you have pictures of our products that you are cooking and enjoying we'd love to see them. Please send them our way!!! We love happy customers!

Lastly here's a great breakfast recipe to try with our new bacon.

Crustless Quiche
8 medium farm fresh eggs
½ cup of full fat milk or cream
1 onion chopped finely
2 slices of shoulder bacon or regular bacon (diced)
1 cup of grated cheese of your choice
Salt and pepper to taste
Add veggies of your choice.

1. Whisk the eggs and milk
2. Add all other ingredients (reserving some cheese for the top)
3. Add any vegetables you like and stir
4. Pour into a greased square baking dish
5. Top with remaining cheese
6. Bake at 350F for 20-30 minutes

Let cool slightly before eating and enjoy!!!!

What a beautiful morning! Our layers are starting to pick up laying eggs since the weather is been nicer. We should be a...

What a beautiful morning! Our layers are starting to pick up laying eggs since the weather is been nicer. We should be able to start having enough eggs to sell again!

Baby chicks are in!!! 1st of 8 batches for this season. These chicks will stay comfy, cozy, warm and comfortable in thei...

Baby chicks are in!!! 1st of 8 batches for this season. These chicks will stay comfy, cozy, warm and comfortable in their brooder until they are old enough for outdoors where they will get the opportunity to chase and catch crickets, grasshoppers worms, etc. not to mention, get an endless amount of fresh tender grass, Vit’s A, B-12, ,C, D..... the list goes on! Ohhh and what they don’t get or even need are antibiotics. Thanks for checking in, have a blessed day!

Smiles from ear to ear!  After a seemingly long COLD winter with anticipation of Spring, It has finally arrived!  “It’s ...

Smiles from ear to ear! After a seemingly long COLD winter with anticipation of Spring, It has finally arrived! “It’s so nice outside” is what I kept hearing from these 2 wonderful blessings! After church we packed an apple to feed Cord’s steer and hopped on the 4 wheelers for afternoon chores, which happens to be one of the first times we had a chance to do this in the past quite a few months!😃. All the cattle 🐮 pigs 🐷 and chickens 🐔 got some love from these two sweethearts.

Nobody said farming would be easy! Yesterday morning, this was what greeted me.  The wind blew and it rained all night. ...

Nobody said farming would be easy! Yesterday morning, this was what greeted me. The wind blew and it rained all night. I believed that everything would be ok but still thought “I would be surprised if something didn’t break with that wind”. This is one of my hoop barns that I start the pigs in to give them a good start until they are big and healthy to go out to pasture. These things happen and can be fixed. But just a reminder that all good things come with a cost. Good news though, all the piggies inside lived and are still warm, dry and patiently waiting for that comfortable weather again we had a week ago.

Reminder we are delivering meat orders to Kansas City this Saturday, March 13. We have a new item on our shelves... Appl...

Reminder we are delivering meat orders to Kansas City this Saturday, March 13. We have a new item on our shelves... Applewood Smoked Shoulder Bacon and it tastes amazing! I would’ve taken a picture of it for our website and this post but I ate it before I could take the picture 😂. Our ordering window closes Thursday (tomorrow) at midnight, so you still have time to place an order or add your shoulder bacon to your existing order. See you soon!

We are so excited about Spring and wanted to let you know that ALL our popular pork cuts are now back in stock.  We also...

We are so excited about Spring and wanted to let you know that ALL our popular pork cuts are now back in stock. We also wanted to share a new monthly sale promotion at GGF. We are going to start having 1-2 monthly sale items with recipes each month. We will send out an e-mail with the sale items and the recipes a few days before the Missouri Farm Drop order reminder e-mail. We hope these recipes will inspire you to think of new ways to prepare different cuts from GGF. Check out the comment section for the recipes 🙂

This month the sale items will be Chicken Hindquarters and Ham Steaks. Be sure to get your Ham Steaks (Or Cured Hams) in time for Easter. Our Ham steaks are already cured so you just need to bake them in the oven or fry them up in a pan. The Hams are a great size for a large family and the Ham Steaks are perfect for 4-6 people. They are both so yummy!!!

Chicken Hindquarters are a great cut of chicken and often overlooked. Why not try them out this month while they are on sale. Here are 2 easy and delicious recipes for Chicken Hindquarters. Keep in mind you can air fry both these recipes to save on time.

This is what all the little pigs looked like this morning. When I checked on these little buggers this morning, they wer...

This is what all the little pigs looked like this morning. When I checked on these little buggers this morning, they were all nestled into the straw bedding which covers the whole floor of the hoop barn. This one looks zonked out, he must’ve had a good nights sleep last night, 😂. They’re all up and eating breakfast now!

The pigs made it to the farm OK, they were sure excited to see their new home!

The pigs made it to the farm OK, they were sure excited to see their new home!


1315 300th Street
Bedford, IA


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