I know we have been quiet for a while. We have really been just dealing with some things that caused us to step aside for a bit. Today was ferrier day here at home base. Solaris was such an awesome boy for his feet! He is riding well and I will get some footage from this evening and tomorrow's sessions with him. We are still completely down on the mobile side of things but are constantly making improvements to home base which will enable us to have more horses and owners experience our program here. It's going to be a bit before we are able to be mobile again and for that we apologize. We love being on the road and traveling to help owners and their horses in their journeys and are going to miss it dearly. Please bear with us as we get the site back in full swing!
Phoenix is not a fan 😂 she quite literally tried to come inside after these were taken 😂😂 My hometown in Idaho got down to ranges from -40 to -55 yesterday so I'm not complaining 😂 I have however come to terms that if we ever take our horses to visit, it's gotta be summer lol I think phoenix and toby will demand a heated stall otherwise 😂😂
finally coming full circle! Stacie got to ride her boy Solaris today!! We still have some things to work on but all in all I am very happy with his recent change of attitude and HUGE improvements!
Anyone who knows my program knows, we have no quit and we also have no shame in networking with my horse people when faced with challenges. Our household has been battling illness the last few days and I also injured myself. Our buddy john came to the rescue and was able to fill in the blanks for me and do my session with Solaris here at home base today!
We are learning more and more about Solaris. His mistreatment from another trainer earlier on has him having some residual trauma responses towards women. Although I can successfully ride him, he is not willingly taking direction from me, however when men jump on him he does so much better with actually learning things. His owners are coming tomorrow for their first ride on him. I am excited for this step but also a bit hesitant as I don't believe Solaris is quite ready for less experienced riders as of yet. I am hoping he does well tomorrow but definitely anxious about it too.
Now booking for the 2025 breeding season - AQHA stallion SO FrenchmansFirefly - Stud fee for 2025 is $1000.
SO FrenchmansFirefly is a 2009 AQHA Palomino stallion by Frenchmans Chico who is by Frenchmans Guy, the 4+ Million Dollar Sire and one of the all time leading Sires of Barrel Horses and out of a AAA daughter of Disco Jerry , who he himself sired earners of more than $2.4 million at the track. Firefly has a proven pedigree on both sides. His dam, Discos Dream had won $15,000+ on the track and has produced stakes finalists and barrel racing money earners including SO PerksAmericanRose who has won $34,000+ in equistat earnings alone. Firefly's full sister, SO All American Gal produced the 2022 AQHA Reserve Congress Champion in barrels. Firefly's babies are selling for 5k plus when they hit the ground and up to 20k as broke prospects. His foals are money earners in Barrel racing and Roping. CDR French Valentina, a daughter of his has LTE of $55,000 plus was the BFA Juvenile 2D round winner all in a year's time. Easy to train, with speed and lots of cow sense in them. PM for more details. Discounts available for multiple mares/money earners/proven producers. 5 panel N/N
Standing in Franklin, TX.
Every now and then a trainer will be challenged by a horse in ways we never expected! Solaris is one of two of those horses for me! I called in some help today and he got it done!! I'm so happy to see Solaris riding again! We are going to continue this momentum and keep him moving in the right direction! He has challenged me in a million ways and has been so fun and frustrating at the same time! I'm so excited to see where he is in the extreme near future! Now that we are on the same page, I know he is going to excel in the program!! I cannot thank my secret service guy enough lol 😉 you rock!! Only up from here!!
Solaris had his family visit today. His papa rode Toby for a bit too! Then toby had kid duties! He is doing his part to build confidence. This is Katie's 4th time on a horse ever and now we are going to be fine tuning her seat and foot/leg positioning. I love watching these kids grow 💕
Our pups eyes are starting to open! These are high quality bred babies! 4 are for sure spoken for but we have 6 left, all male. Guaranteed to be the best dog you have ever gotten! Message to get your name on yours today!
Hard post to write ....
Until further notice our mobile services will be shut down. We had got a new vehicle for that purpose and today, our new vehicle burst into flames. Thanks to the good Samaritan who quite literally saved my husband's life on highway 39. Without you this post would be completely different. Thanks to the first responders for handling the fire and assisting my husband through his panic attack. We are currently thanking God for watching over him and really soaking up family. This goes to show how somebody can do everything right and still get burnt in the end. We will eventually be back up and running with our mobile program but for now we are only doing home base jobs. We do have some openings for lessons and tune ups but are full on colt starts at this time until beginning of the year. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause but we are definitely not in control of this current situation. God is good y'all! God is so good!
Solaris had one of his best sessions yet! So thankful to finally be making good progress with him. We discovered he is a tad sore on his left side this weekend so decided to work him with mounting on his right side. hUGE difference!! Afterwards, during some friendship baking and cooking time, our girls decided to jump on Toby! I was super proud of Katie as she has not had much riding time in her life and she decided to do some liberty with Toby! So fun watching these horses and kids!
Lunged some spicy ponies and played with the home base piggies today. Super cold but sunny 😎 super busy day tomorrow with feet to be trimmed, hay to be hauled, babies to be worked and more!
This is such a fun and good minded weanling! If you want your own amazing prospect, message us to book your own firefly breeding and get your own Aurora!